Saturday, April 1, 2023

They Did Not Indict Trump - They Indicted Us

The TV talking heads are missing the main point in the indictment of President Trump.  While it is historic that a former president and leader of the opposition party has been arrested on “trumped up” charges, the real story is that this is part of a political party’s move to seize total power in the United States and impose a single party dictatorship. President Trumps indictment is not a fee-standing assault, rather it is the only the most recent – and most outrageous – attack on the “enemies of the State”.

The working thesis here, in case you missed it, is that the Democratic Party is actively trying to create a one-party dictatorship in the United States. Unlike Nazi Germany there is not a charismatic single person leading the movement, rather, it is an organized political party. There has been a long-standing campaign against people who oppose the Democratic Party.

Future historians – assuming there will be a place and time where there will be academic freedom – will debate when this “coup d'é·tat” began. The Democrats began using “politics of personal destruction” in the 1964 presidential election campaign. They honed and perfected it with the Judge Bork and Judge Clarence Thomas hearings. Somewhere over the years, the “win at any cost” approach became a method of warning people not to run against the Democrats and not to accept nominations from Republican presidents and then morphed into the coup.

My thinking is that up until George Soros became involved in American politics the Democrats  were primarily interested in just winning elections for the power and the money that power accrues. But Soros and his money brought with it an ideological change that was likely the true beginning of the Democrats’ march to seize the government.

The Soros funded Center for American Progress spent millions in the 2004 presidential election to defeat George W. Bush. Bush was hardly a threat to the established order, but he was not the easily swayed radical that Democratic candidate John Kerry was. Kerry is the kind of hack who will do whatever his financiers tell him to do.

The Center for American Progress spent millions in support of Barack Obama and I think that it was during that the simple lust for power and money became an organized, albeit loosely, drive to seize total control of the government.

The late Rush Limbaugh used to say that the Obama government was “governing against the will of the people”. While most of that which Obama accomplished was approved by hard-core Progressives, the entire tone and tenor of his years as president was socially and politically divisive. It was no longer enough to just disagree politically, those disagreements had to become social and political enmities and those enemies had to be destroyed. Americans had worked hard to build a tolerant, peaceful society for the previous 40 years following the social upheaval of the 1960s and 70s.  Prompted and led by the Obama White House, the Progressives moved from rhetoric to violence and after 8 years of Obama, American society is hardly recognizable.

If the Obama administration “governed against the will of the people”, the Biden administration seems hell bent on destroying the country. Everything they have done is harmful to Americans: the totally out of control spending, the unconditional surrender to the Taliban and retreat from a peaceful Afghanistan, the increasing taxes, sexualizing children, putting “climate” issues first in all matters – EVERYTHING.

But to what end? And what is the next phase in the “coup d'é·tat? Those are unanswerable questions right now.

All of this background is essential to understanding why President Trump was indicted. President Trump committed the unpardonable – he openly challenged the establishment and he woke a sleeping giant, the patriotic Americans. He represents the greatest threat to ever arise against the Democrats coup. He represents patriotic Americans.  And they are the real “enemies of the state”, Trump is just the symbol.

The Democrats believe that the only way to break the patriots is to destroy Donald Trump. They also think that this persecution will prevent anyone else from ever challenging their hegemony again.  Short of outlawing opposition parties, they think that the total destruction of opposition leaders is their best option for ending the resistance. They think that once Trump is gone, no one will stand in their way of seizing total control of the American government.

This public spectacle is designed to humiliate and crush Mr. Trump  and the patriots once and for all. There is a better chance that it will backfire and galvanize the patriot resistance. The next question may be the most important one – when will the patriots become Rebels?






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