I am baffled and amazed by the complete numb-minded support that so many people have for the Palestinians. Moslems supporting the Palestinians is to be expected; as their hatred of the Jews is a tenant of their “religion” and goes all the way back to Abraham at the beginning of Jewish history.
“And, the Lord God said to Hagar, ‘Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the LORD hath heard thy affliction. And he will be a wild ass of a man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him . . .’” (Gen 16:11-12)
The Lord God chose Issac, Abraham’s second son, over Ishmael the first-born, to be the Father of His chosen people, the Jews. And, there has been no peace in that part of the world since then. Destroying Israel and annihilating the Jews are foundational tenets of the Moslem “religion”.
Non-Moslem support for the Palestinians stems from either a willful ignorance of history, a mindless acceptance of Marxism, or deep-rooted hatred of the Jews. Thoughtful, intelligent people capable of independent thinking cannot support the Palestinian cause, which is based on driving all of the Jews out of Israel.
Ignorance of history can lead some to believe that Israel is in the wrong. Those who know the history of the region, know that Israel gave the Palestinians the ability to create a “government” for the Gaza Strip and portions of the West Bank in 1994. The Palestinian Authority was intended to give the Palestinians a framework to develop a true Palestinian state. Hamas, a Moslem terrorist group won electionsin 2004, setting off a 3 year civil war. Hamas gained total control of the Gaza Strip in 2007 and began their terrorism campaign against Israel. Israel has endured 17 years of bombings, terrorist attacks, and missile launches by Hamas in Gaza. These attacks came to a head on October 7, 2023, when Hamas launched a series of raids across Israel killing and raping and taking more than100 hostages. Israel’s attack on Gaza is in retaliation for the Oct 7 attacks and for 17 years of violence against the Israeli people.
Every nation has the right to defend its people from foreign and domestic attacks. That is one of the few legitimate roles of government. I doubt that many of the pro-Palestinian supporters would be pleased if their neighborhood was bombed by another nation and our government just let it ride. Ignorance of the history and realities is absolutely essential if one supports the Palestinians in this current conflict.
The pro-Palestinian shills condemn Israel for destroying hospitals in Gaza and creating a “humanitarian crisi”. Hamas used civilian hospitals as arsenals and command and control centers for their terrorist campaign. A nation cannot win a war without destroying the enemy’s weapons and communications ability. The enemy chooses where he stores his weapons. Civilized nations do not put their arsenals and weapons in civilian areas. Civilized nations try to limit civilian deaths in conflicts. Barbarians put civilians in harm’s way. Ruthless barbarians use civilians as human shields.
Yes, there are civilian deaths in the Gaza war. And, yes, there is a humanitarian crisis. But, the entire responsibility rest solely with the Hamas terrorists. The terrorists wove their fighters and weaponry tightly throughout the civilian population of Gaza, thereby guaranteeing massive civilian casualties when Israel finally did attack. In a vicious, calculated plan to either prevent Isreal from attacking, or to try to influence public opinion against Israel, Hamas used the entire population of Gaza as blood sacrifices in the “holy war” against the Jews. It is not Israel that is conducting genocide against the Gazans; it is Hamas.
I said earlier that mindless, thoughtless acceptance of Marxism was another reason that many Americans support Hamas, although they claim to support the Gazans. Americans have become extraordinarily lazy mentally. That is the lure of Marxism; one need not think about right or wrong, just or unjust, one only needs to “know” who the “oppressors” are. Marxism simplifies this too. “White” is always the “oppressor”, brown is always the “oppressed”, regaedless of the situation. In the case of the Jews and the Gazans, both of which are brown skinned, Semitic people, Marxism provides another solution that does not require the expenditure of any mental energy. The US always supports the bad guys. Therefore, in this present crisis, Israel is the “evil”.
Marxism is such a crutch for people who are too stupid or too lazy to think for themselves, but who want to appear “woke” and oh! so sophisticated!!
While the thinking part of me truly wants to blame ignorance of history and stupid, unquestioning Marxism for the anti – Israeli, a deeper, older part of me knows the real reason, and it is darker, uglier, and more destructive even than Marxism. I believe through observation guided by experience, that there is a deep seated bias in most non-Jews against Jews. The Jews have been a separate people since the beginning of history. Regardless of the atrocities committed upon them, they refuse to be destroyed, they refuse to be assimilated, they refuse to forsake their God.
The mistrust and fear of the Jews is older than the history of mankind. It is deeply ingrained in cultures around the world. Forcibly removed from Israel, first by the Assyrians, then by the Babylonians, by the Greeks and Macedonians, and lastly by the Romans, the Jews return to Israel again and again. Even the Holocaust in which the Nazis killed 6 million of Europe’s 9.5 million Jews could not destroy them. No matter how many generations, how many centuries they are dispersed, they hold onto their culture, their language, their religion, and their God. Even when they seem to assimilate, they remain distinct and unique from those around them – they remain Jewish. Their difference, their resiliency, their unwavering faith threatens what others understand. They have been “strangers in a strange land” for 3,000 years, but remain true to themselves. No other prejudice is as deeply held as the prejudice against the Jews.
While we “boomers” embraced Dr. King’s ideal of judging people by the “content of their character” not by the “color of their skin” and worked tirelessly to overcome our racial prejudices, anti-Semitism always simmered just below the surface. And after 20 years of our political “leaders” driving wedges between races, religions, ans political beliefs, the atmosphere in America is ripe for anti-Semitism to once again rear its ugly head. It has not taken long for the ancient ugliness to become manifest given the conflict and the barrage of anti-Israeli news coverage. At the root of all of the Palestinian support – whether from ignorance of history, Marxism, lies the ugly reality of anti-Semitism and an inbred hatred of the Jews.
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