Tuesday, December 21, 2021

The Three Boxes of Liberty

 I find it interesting that as we move into the election year 2022 that the news media and a handful of fascist, Democrat Governors, mayor, and “medical” politician types are hyping up the Covid threat.  Once again, the propaganda tool of the fascists, the main stream media, is lap dogging for the Fascists, ginning up as much fear and division as they can.  After all, a society split into fighting factions and whiplashed by fear for 2 years is easier to manipulate than a unified angry nation.

Oh, and we should most definitely be unified and angry.  Never in the history of our nation has our government so blatantly thrashed our Constitutional Rights: and never in the history of our nation have so many people been so willing to surrender their Rights.  The Federal and State governments are trampling our First, Fourth, and Ninth Amendment Rights and about half of us don’t care.

We should be angry at the actions of the President since his inauguration.  His Executive Orders have driven the price of gas to an all time high, he orchestrated the most humiliating military defeat and surrender in human history, his refusal to enforce existing laws has led to an unprecedented invasion through our Southern border, his domestic policies are giving us inflation like we have never seen before, and mayor and Prosecutors in his party are allowing the worst crime wave in our history.  Oh, there’s plenty for Americans to be unified and angry about.

Consider, if you can, a victorious army occupying a defeated, largely peaceful country.  The occupying army had not had a casualty in 18 months. With no warning, no consultation with Allies, no agreement with the force that will take over, the occupying army abandons all their positions, leaving all military equipment in place and simply evacuates and abandons the country.  Never in military history has ay leader done this.  More American servicemen died in the rout, retreat, and surrender than the enemy killed in a year and a half.  We should be unified and angry.

But what dominates the propaganda main stream news?  Covid this and Omicron that.  News caster after news caster rings the never-ending bell – highest number of cases, hospitals over run, unprecedented CRISIS.  I think of Chicken Little and his cry of “the sky is falling”!  Calm, considered research shows that Omicron is not deadly, is not severe, and has few symptoms.  In a sane world, we would be celebrating the evolution of the virus from unknown danger to little more than the common cold.  But this is hardly a sane world anymore.

None of this really makes any sense, unless you understand the first sentence of this essay.  We are moving into an election year and with the complete failure of the Biden administration, Democrats are facing a defeat of epic proportions in the elections in 2022.  Their only hope is to force the entire nation into another lockdown so they can rig the elections like they did in 2020.they are ramping up the fear campaign almost a year before elections.  Liberal cities and states are leading the way with new controls, mandates, and lockdowns.  Union run government schools are closing again to set up conditions for a complete lockdown later this year. 

Once the fear level gets high enough Democrat run states will implement all sorts of “new” ways to vote so that people don’t have to vote in person.  There will be fraud and over voting and all kinds of shenanigans to save as many Democrat seats as possible.  And, there is a good chance that they will get away with it because the media will gin up the fear hysteria and the mind numbed public will demand “safety” over honest elections.

It is going to be up to the citizens to insure free and accountable elections.  Liberty loving Americans are going to have to use mass civil disobedience to force fascist Democrats to hold clean elections.  There can be no mailed in votes, no ballot harvesting and citizens MUST take the day and watch the polls – from the time they open until the time the ballots are delivered to the Board of elections.  Poll watchers need to count the number of people who vote in person.  They must have the Judge of Elections report on the number of absentee votes.  Better yet, volunteer to work the polls and make sure it’s an accurate vote.

We cannot rely on elected officials to defend the Constitution and our God given Liberties.  We must be ready to defend them ourselves.  It will be easier to protect them, than to win them back.  We have 2 boxes to use to defend our Liberties – the soap box and the ballot box.  There’s only one box to use to win them back – the bullet box.  Let’s completely exhaust the first 2 so that we don’t have to reach for the third.

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