Last Tuesday
night’s so-called Presidential “debate” was a disgusting “shit show”, a
disgrace, and an insult to America, Americans, and our national
heritage. Everyone involved with it should
be ashamed of themselves and their part in the disgusting spectacle. After an hour and a half of completely wasted
time, I know nothing new about any policy position of either candidate. I despise the cop-out that “both sides do
it”, but both President Trump and ex – Vice President Biden were childish,
unprofessional, rude and crude. Neither
of them looked or acted presidential. The
level of disrespect that Biden showed to Mr. Trump was unprecedented in
American history. Biden’s disrespect
transcended even the worst of the past three years’ non-stop disrespect from
DemocRats and their ass kissing puppets in the news media.
Chris Wallace of Fox News was a total failure as a moderator. He either could not or would not maintain
order. He was obviously and disgustingly partisan toward Biden. It appeared at times as if Wallace was siding
with Biden. His questions were not
specific and concise. He spent entirely
too much time asking the questions and not enough time keeping the candidates
on message.
Perhaps the biggest disappointment was that Mr. Biden just
flat ass out would not answer any of the questions. He accidentally revealed one or two positions
– but quickly swerved away from what he had just said. The once vice president said that he intended
to eliminate all of the Trump tax cuts.
This action alone will be a major tax increase for all American tax
payers. Then, in the next breath Biden
said that he wouldn’t raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000. But reversing the tax cuts will raise
taxes on EVERY taxpayer. It doesn’t
matter how you spin it, eliminating the Trump tax cuts will be tax increase for
the half of the Americans who pay income tax.
Biden accidentally gave viewers one very clear and concise
statement on his campaign message, but Mr. Trump failed to catch it and lost a
fantastic opportunity to show the American people why the Harris – Biden ticket
is so incredibly dangerous. Mr. Wallace
was questioning Biden about his plans to “pack the Supreme Court” with Liberal
judges to off set the conservative judges that President Trump has
appointed. Biden refused to answer,
eventually saying, “Whatever
position I take on that, that’ll become the issue.”
position I take on that, that’ll become the issue.
Biden, Ms. Harris – your positions on matters facing the country SHOULD be the
issue! It is not enough to spend the few
minutes each week that you campaign telling us that Donald Trump is a
failure. You two are not offering any details
about what you intend to do if you are elected.
You say
that you are not going to raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 per
year. But there is video of you saying
to people “Your taxes are going to up if I’m elected.” Even with your dodging at the debate, you
said that you would roll back the Trump tax cuts. The simple truth here is that the changes in
the tax law under Trump DID cut taxes for every American that pays income
taxes. Eliminating those cuts will
INCREASE taxes for the people who received the cuts in the first place! Regardless of how your supporters might try
to twist this reality – it is what it is.
Unlike my more “sophisticated” compatriots, I am not impressed with how
you lawyer types try to twist truth into absurd pretzels of illogical logic –
if I pay more in income tax under your plan, it is an increase.
this is not the only uncertainty in your platform. What is your position on defunding
police? You said you were in favor of it
– now you’re not.
What is
your position on disarming civilians?
Both Kammi Harris (the Indian pretending to be a black chic) and ‘Beto’
O’Rourke (the Irish guy pretending to be Hispanic) have called for actual
confiscation of civilian guns. Ms.
Harris is you vice-president (who will be President within a year) and you have
said that you will put O’Rourke in charge of your gun policy. It seems to this observer that you intend to
disarm the American public.
What is
your plan for dealing with the Pandemic?
You trash the efforts of the current Administration and the plans that
you discuss are freaking exactly what the Trump administration did in March and
April. You say that you will follow the
science – but what about all the scientists who are against forced isolation
and lockdowns? It ain’t settled science
no matter how loudly you shout.
of not settled science, what exactly is your position on the Climate Change
hoax? You embraced AOC’s “Green New Deal”
in which she calls for the elimination of private autos and airlines and the
total elimination of fossil fuels in 10 years – or some such lunacy. In fact, you have said that AOC will be in
charge of your energy and climate policies. You have emphatically said that you
will immediately stop the production of gas and oil production from fracking
and shut down the coal industry. Please tell us how any of this will benefit
the American people.
Mr. Biden, your positions on issues is the issue in this election. And, there is your record to consider. You opposed desegregating schools saying that
you did not want your kids in a “racial jungle.” You supported anti-crime bills that
disproportionately affected young black men, whom you called “predatory
animals.” You supported Obamacare which has been horrific for working class
Americans. The individual mandate was unconstitutional. The “one size fits all” approach, which
forces young people to pay for geriatric coverage and the elderly to carry
maternity coverage drove the cost of insurance sky high; with most Americans
seeing more than a 200% increase in health insurance premiums. And there are still 30 million Americans
without health insurance. Your “big fucking deal” has done more harm than good.
we can look at your history of bribery and extorsion during your years as Vice
President. You and your son, Hunter,
became billionaires by strong arming foreign governments and selling influence
around the world. I cannot think of a
more corrupt, self-serving person who has ever sought the White House than you –
maybe Mrs. Clinton, but it would be close.
I only
hope that the “Deplorables” turn out in large enough numbers to prevent you party
from stealing this election. The course
that you are plotting for our nation will not end well, whether you are elected
or not. You and your Party have set a
course that can only end in violence.
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