Thursday, October 22, 2020

Was I Kicked in the Head?


I truly wonder sometimes how stupid the political class thinks the rest of us are.  As I listen to the political ads on TV, I can’t figure out what these dudes are talking about.  I’m wondering if maybe that last kick in the head, back in ’91, has left me comatose and living in an altered state of reality for the past 30 years.

I’d really hate to think that my sub – conscious created 2020, the Covidiocy, Wolfman and Cuomo, social isolation and the rest of it.  Honest to God, if I created this nightmare in my coma – addled brain, I genuinely apologize.  And if 2020 and the Covidiocy is just in my mind, I KNOW you all are having more fun than I am!

But I’ve digressed.

Here’s an ad on TV – “Hidin’ Biden” is saying how “he” took a failing economy in 2008 and built a roaring economy and that Trump took that great economy and ran it into the ditch with Covid mismanagement.  Now, here’s the thing – the Great Recession lasted for the entire 8 years of the Biden – Obama administration.  There were numerous articles written on how weak and tepid the “recovery” was.  Obama fans wrote that it was the “new normal”.  The jobs, the industries, the ever-growing prosperity were forever gone.  Progressives wrote about how well qualified Obama and Biden were to “manage” the decline.  In fact, in a now famous video clip, President Obama says, “What’s Trump gonna do?  He got a magic wand? Those jobs are gone forever!”

OK – I’ll grant that I might still be a coma from getting kicked in the head – but, I can research stuff and see how many new jobs were created in 2017, 2018, and 2019.  I can research the real economic growth and growth in GDP in those 3 years.  Lord have mercy!  Real incomes went up more in 3 years than they had in the preceding 16!   Somebody is in an altered reality – and I’m not entirely sure that it’s me.

The second part of the ad is even funnier – claiming Trump has mismanaged the pandemic.  Now, once again, we can all Google stuff and see for ourselves.  Trump banned travel from China on January 31. At that time, only one or two cases of “da Rona” had been diagnosed in the US.  I mean, how much sooner could the man have acted?

The political class must think we’re stupid.  We can look up the DemocRats reaction to Trump’s ban.  Every nationally known DemocRat beat up on Trump calling his ban racist, xenophobic, and alarmist.  Nancy Pelosi was on TV inviting folks to come out to San Francisco’s Chinatown to party in the Chinese New Year.  NY Mayor Bill DeBlasio and Senator Chuck Shumer did the same thing – invited folks out into the streets to celebrate in crowds.

So, like who really mismanaged the crisis?

The “Hidin’ Biden” ad goes on to say how he’s going to manage the pandemic when he’s President; and there are some familiar about what the candidate is saying.  “Hidin’ Biden” says he’ll listen to the experts.  Didn’t Trump set up a guiding committee?  Didn’t Trump let Dr. Fauci run the damn show?  Didn’t Trump shut down the economy for “15 days to flatten the curve” on the advice of Fauci and the other “experts”?  How’d that turn out?  Biden says he’ll “shut it down” again if the so-called scientists tell him to.  Or, if his Chinese and Ukrainian paymasters tell him to?

What else is in “Hidin’ Biden’s” bag of tricks to save us from “da ‘Rona”?  We’re gonna make, ventilators, and hospital beds, and PPE – all made here in American!  Didn’t the Trumpster do all of that back in March and April, or is my hoof – addled brain playing tricks on me again?

Every body is entitled to their own version of history, but no one is entitled to their own version of the Truth.  Trump did as much as any leader of a free people could have done to try to deal with the “pandemic”.  As we get farther along, the contradictory statements from the so-called experts should make anyone with any functioning thinking ability question the hell that these “experts” have put us through.  

I truly hope that the voters prove that they smarter than the political class thinks that we are, even if this unbelievably scary reality is just the result of a kick to my head.

1 comment:

  1. I must say a very well written article . I approve of it completely.
