Friday, October 23, 2020

Still the Last Best Hope of Man on Earth


There are so many ways to compare President Trump and DemocRat presidential candidate “Hidin’” Joe Biden.  They are worlds apart on foreign affairs, foreign trade, economics, taxation, and on and on.  But perhaps their differing views on America itself may be the single greatest difference between them.

Watching President Trump, I believe that he genuinely loves America and Americans.  I get the sense that he holds America and Americans in high regard.  I think he believes in the American dream – of “rags to riches”, of people doing, being, and accomplishing all that they are capable of.  Mr. Trump seems to hold our history and heritage in awe and respect.  And in that regard, if no other, Mr. Trump is very much like most of us.

Watch Mr. Trump at his rallies.  Tens of thousands of people in city after city turn out to see this man.  There is a genuine outpouring of affection from the crowds – but that affection is reflected back from the President.  He wants what is best for the people – and all that he has done – up until the China virus hit (if it really did) was to make things better for us.  And by and large, things were a lot better up until the China Virus.

What really does Mr. Biden think about America and Americans?  How does his vision of our heritage and history affect what he wants to do?  Interesting question, when “Hidin’ Biden” damn near refuses to tell us what his positions are on major issues.  Maybe “Hidin’ Biden’s” latest commercial tells us all that we need to know.

Read the transcript from Biden’s latest a - “America was an idea, an idea.  ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident.’ We’ve never lived up to it, but we’ve never walked away from it before. And I just think we have to be more honest. Let our kids know, as we raise them, what actually did happen. Acknowledge our mistakes so we don’t repeat them. So, I think it’s important we teach history, not in a prescriptive way, from my perspective, but what actually the facts were without also acknowledging that there’s 400 years of racism in the United States of America. That’s what it is. And it’s able to be fixed.”

Read this again, and read it carefully.

“America was an idea.”  AMERICA WAS?  Is the candidate saying that America no longer exists?  Is he saying that the America that we built, that we sacrificed for, that many of us died for no longer exists?  Is he mocking us for loving an “idea” that “we never lived up to”?  If America WAS what are we now?

Where is your perspective if the statement “there’s 400 years of racism in the United States of America” is the focus of your presidential TV ad?  To whom is Mr. Biden speaking?  How can one think about the history of our nation and somehow come to the conclusion that “400 years of racism” is the first thing that you mention?  How can someone running for president see our country, our history, and heritage as nothing but “400 years of racism”?

I have a real problem with this.  This is not how I see America and I’m sure most of don’t either.  America IS still an idea that we honor, love, and respect. America still is the greatest country in the history of the world.  And for all of her flaws, she’s still a hope and inspiration for anyone who loves freedom and individual liberty.  There is no place in my view of America for the dark, ugly vision that “Hidin’ Biden” expresses in this ad.  This alone should be reason enough not to vote for the man – if you need one more.

Oh, yes.  And let us always remember – and remind others of what Ronald Reagan said about our American place in the world: “You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We’ll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on Earth, or we’ll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness.”

It’s up to us whether we choose “an idea that we never lived up to’ or “the last best hope of man on earth.”

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Was I Kicked in the Head?


I truly wonder sometimes how stupid the political class thinks the rest of us are.  As I listen to the political ads on TV, I can’t figure out what these dudes are talking about.  I’m wondering if maybe that last kick in the head, back in ’91, has left me comatose and living in an altered state of reality for the past 30 years.

I’d really hate to think that my sub – conscious created 2020, the Covidiocy, Wolfman and Cuomo, social isolation and the rest of it.  Honest to God, if I created this nightmare in my coma – addled brain, I genuinely apologize.  And if 2020 and the Covidiocy is just in my mind, I KNOW you all are having more fun than I am!

But I’ve digressed.

Here’s an ad on TV – “Hidin’ Biden” is saying how “he” took a failing economy in 2008 and built a roaring economy and that Trump took that great economy and ran it into the ditch with Covid mismanagement.  Now, here’s the thing – the Great Recession lasted for the entire 8 years of the Biden – Obama administration.  There were numerous articles written on how weak and tepid the “recovery” was.  Obama fans wrote that it was the “new normal”.  The jobs, the industries, the ever-growing prosperity were forever gone.  Progressives wrote about how well qualified Obama and Biden were to “manage” the decline.  In fact, in a now famous video clip, President Obama says, “What’s Trump gonna do?  He got a magic wand? Those jobs are gone forever!”

OK – I’ll grant that I might still be a coma from getting kicked in the head – but, I can research stuff and see how many new jobs were created in 2017, 2018, and 2019.  I can research the real economic growth and growth in GDP in those 3 years.  Lord have mercy!  Real incomes went up more in 3 years than they had in the preceding 16!   Somebody is in an altered reality – and I’m not entirely sure that it’s me.

The second part of the ad is even funnier – claiming Trump has mismanaged the pandemic.  Now, once again, we can all Google stuff and see for ourselves.  Trump banned travel from China on January 31. At that time, only one or two cases of “da Rona” had been diagnosed in the US.  I mean, how much sooner could the man have acted?

The political class must think we’re stupid.  We can look up the DemocRats reaction to Trump’s ban.  Every nationally known DemocRat beat up on Trump calling his ban racist, xenophobic, and alarmist.  Nancy Pelosi was on TV inviting folks to come out to San Francisco’s Chinatown to party in the Chinese New Year.  NY Mayor Bill DeBlasio and Senator Chuck Shumer did the same thing – invited folks out into the streets to celebrate in crowds.

So, like who really mismanaged the crisis?

The “Hidin’ Biden” ad goes on to say how he’s going to manage the pandemic when he’s President; and there are some familiar about what the candidate is saying.  “Hidin’ Biden” says he’ll listen to the experts.  Didn’t Trump set up a guiding committee?  Didn’t Trump let Dr. Fauci run the damn show?  Didn’t Trump shut down the economy for “15 days to flatten the curve” on the advice of Fauci and the other “experts”?  How’d that turn out?  Biden says he’ll “shut it down” again if the so-called scientists tell him to.  Or, if his Chinese and Ukrainian paymasters tell him to?

What else is in “Hidin’ Biden’s” bag of tricks to save us from “da ‘Rona”?  We’re gonna make, ventilators, and hospital beds, and PPE – all made here in American!  Didn’t the Trumpster do all of that back in March and April, or is my hoof – addled brain playing tricks on me again?

Every body is entitled to their own version of history, but no one is entitled to their own version of the Truth.  Trump did as much as any leader of a free people could have done to try to deal with the “pandemic”.  As we get farther along, the contradictory statements from the so-called experts should make anyone with any functioning thinking ability question the hell that these “experts” have put us through.  

I truly hope that the voters prove that they smarter than the political class thinks that we are, even if this unbelievably scary reality is just the result of a kick to my head.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Why Do They Hate Him?

The intensity and volume from the anti-Trumpers truly baffles me.  I can’t get my head around why people so despise this President.  You might think that he traveled around the world bowing to foreign kings and emperors, apologizing for America   No, wait!  That was Obama.  Or you might think that Trump paid the Iranians $150 million in cash and looked aside while the Iranians paid terrorists to attack us.  No, wait, Obama too.  Maybe you’re thinking that Mr. Trump refused to send military aid to our embassy in Libya and left 4 American diplomats and warriors to be slaughtered by the mob.  Nope, that was Obama, too.  Signed legislation making it a crime not to buy health insurance? Obama.  Passed a heath care bill that drove health insurance premium costs up by 200% or more?  Not Trump either.  Left about 40 million Americans without health insurance?  Not Trump.  Over saw the weakest economic recovery since the Depression? Presided over the worst employment situation since before the Second World War? Obama, too.  Let Moslem terrorists form their own country? Nope, wrong again. 

Looking back over the first three years of the first Trump term, I really have a problem understanding the vitriolic hatred.  The Trump bashing in the media began election night with some knucklehead on MSNBC or CNN suggesting that since Trump won the election, the only option left was impeachment.  They were still counting ballots and the fools were floating impeachment.  The anti – Trump protests began with Code Pink and the “pussy” hats before the inauguration. Think about it for a minute – before the last ballots were counted and before the man is even inaugurated there were protests and talk of impeachment.  Before he was legally the President there were protests! 

There are those anti – American, anti – Trumpers who want to blame Trump for the division and the strife and the hatred burning up America.  But I think that the previous paragraph does a good job of pointing out that it was not Trump nor Trump supporters who are fanning the flames of sectarian and racial violence in America.  The riots that continue unbated for 4 months in major American cities are organized, equipped, and paid for by Antifa and Black Lives Matter, Inc. – NEITHER OF WHICH are Trump supporting groups.  Antifa is not a devil spawn love child of Donald Trump. Modern antifa politics can be traced to the emergence of neo-Nazism in Germany following the fall of the Berlin Wall.  Ain’t got nothing to do with the Trumpster.

Similarly, Black Lives Matter, Inc. (not to be confused with the humanistic and Christian ideal that “black lives, like all lives, matter”) had its origins in 2013 following the shooting death of Trayvon Martin.  BLM came to prominence during the unrest in Ferguson, MO following the police shooting of Michael Brown, by Ferguson police.  Again, BLM, Inc., like Anita, predate the Trump presidency and are leading the violence, not reacting to some other act of violence brought against them.  Let me also point out that the two murders that hatched BLM, Inc, happened during the Obama years.  Again, nothing to do with Trump.

Let’s also point out that the cities that are seeing rioting here during the Summer and Fall of Covidiocy are cities that have been run by DemocRat politicians for decades.  Chicago has been in thrall to the corrupt Cook County DemoRatic machine for nearly 100 years.  In each of the cities that have seen weeks and months of rioting, there is a DemocRat mayor and a DemocRat Governnor.  It is completely foolish to blame President Trump for either the police brutality in multi – generational Democrat cities, or for the riots in those cities.  Put the blame where it belongs.

Never in my life have I seen this type of behavior toward an elected president.

I think back to the start of Mr. Trump’s administration and I must wonder why his 2 major efforts have generated so much angst.  The first thing Trump talked about when he started running in 2015 was to build a border wall and get control of illegal – note ILLEGAL – immigration.  It was why so many people voted for him.  Why was anyone surprised?

But let us consider the desire among “Deplorables” to close the border. Leftists, liberals, progressives and other anti – American types want to claim that the desire for controlled immigration is based in our “racism” and “xenophobia” (fear of foreigners), but these have nothing to do with it.  Among the “Deplorables” and the “Great Unwashed” is a deeply held understanding that the thing that ties all Americans together is our nearly universal understanding that we all must follow the laws.  A great many “Deploreables” are deeply, deeply troubled when our governments do not follow the law.  We have watched Congress after Congress pass border controls and immigration laws; and we have watched President after President sign these laws and pledge to close the borders only to watch millions of people come pouring into our country, ignoring our laws.  It is not racism nor xenophobia – it is our deep-seated respect for the concept of a nation of laws.

Donald Trump ran on a simple economic platform; cut taxes, simplify regulations, free the entrepreneurs, and renegotiate trade deals that hurt America.  He did all these things and before the ill – advised (and stupid) shutdown, the American economy was doing better than it had ever done in peace time in the history of our nation.

More Americans were working than at any time in 70 years. For several months before the “Covidiocy” our nation was at full – employment.  Unemployment rates for blacks and “Hispanics” were lower than they have ever been. And even in the pandemic, unemployment rates are now, October 2020, back down to where they were in the Obama – Biden years. 

It’s not just good economic policy and governance, that Trump turned the economy around in 2017, and that is driving the recovery again.  There is something else, something that the “progressives” and the sophisticates can’t understand, and it is this:  Donald Trump believes in America and in Americans.  Like most of us “Deploreables, Mr. Trump believes in America, in American greatness, in the American Spirit, in American Exceptionalism.  We, like the President, believe that we can make America great again – for all Americans.  There has not been this kind of faith, belief, and trust in the American people in the White House since Ronald Reagan – that, is what lit the economy on fire and it is the only thing that will pull us out of this self – imposed recession.

I really wish you anti -Trumpers would give some serious thought to all of this before voting for Senile Joe and the Ho.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

"Whatever position I take on that, that’ll become the issue." - Joe Biden


Last Tuesday night’s so-called Presidential “debate” was a disgusting “shit show”, a disgrace, and an insult to America, Americans, and our national heritage.  Everyone involved with it should be ashamed of themselves and their part in the disgusting spectacle.  After an hour and a half of completely wasted time, I know nothing new about any policy position of either candidate.  I despise the cop-out that “both sides do it”, but both President Trump and ex – Vice President Biden were childish, unprofessional, rude and crude.  Neither of them looked or acted presidential.  The level of disrespect that Biden showed to Mr. Trump was unprecedented in American history.  Biden’s disrespect transcended even the worst of the past three years’ non-stop disrespect from DemocRats and their ass kissing puppets in the news media.

Chris Wallace of Fox News was a total failure as a moderator.  He either could not or would not maintain order. He was obviously and disgustingly partisan toward Biden.  It appeared at times as if Wallace was siding with Biden.  His questions were not specific and concise.  He spent entirely too much time asking the questions and not enough time keeping the candidates on message.

Perhaps the biggest disappointment was that Mr. Biden just flat ass out would not answer any of the questions.  He accidentally revealed one or two positions – but quickly swerved away from what he had just said.  The once vice president said that he intended to eliminate all of the Trump tax cuts.  This action alone will be a major tax increase for all American tax payers.  Then, in the next breath Biden said that he wouldn’t raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000.  But reversing the tax cuts will raise taxes on EVERY taxpayer.  It doesn’t matter how you spin it, eliminating the Trump tax cuts will be tax increase for the half of the Americans who pay income tax. 

Biden accidentally gave viewers one very clear and concise statement on his campaign message, but Mr. Trump failed to catch it and lost a fantastic opportunity to show the American people why the Harris – Biden ticket is so incredibly dangerous.  Mr. Wallace was questioning Biden about his plans to “pack the Supreme Court” with Liberal judges to off set the conservative judges that President Trump has appointed.  Biden refused to answer, eventually saying, “Whatever position I take on that, that’ll become the issue.”

Whatever position I take on that, that’ll become the issue.

Mr. Biden, Ms. Harris – your positions on matters facing the country SHOULD be the issue!  It is not enough to spend the few minutes each week that you campaign telling us that Donald Trump is a failure.  You two are not offering any details about what you intend to do if you are elected.

You say that you are not going to raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 per year.  But there is video of you saying to people “Your taxes are going to up if I’m elected.”  Even with your dodging at the debate, you said that you would roll back the Trump tax cuts.  The simple truth here is that the changes in the tax law under Trump DID cut taxes for every American that pays income taxes.  Eliminating those cuts will INCREASE taxes for the people who received the cuts in the first place!  Regardless of how your supporters might try to twist this reality – it is what it is.  Unlike my more “sophisticated” compatriots, I am not impressed with how you lawyer types try to twist truth into absurd pretzels of illogical logic – if I pay more in income tax under your plan, it is an increase.

And this is not the only uncertainty in your platform.  What is your position on defunding police?  You said you were in favor of it – now you’re not.

What is your position on disarming civilians?  Both Kammi Harris (the Indian pretending to be a black chic) and ‘Beto’ O’Rourke (the Irish guy pretending to be Hispanic) have called for actual confiscation of civilian guns.  Ms. Harris is you vice-president (who will be President within a year) and you have said that you will put O’Rourke in charge of your gun policy.  It seems to this observer that you intend to disarm the American public.

What is your plan for dealing with the Pandemic?  You trash the efforts of the current Administration and the plans that you discuss are freaking exactly what the Trump administration did in March and April.  You say that you will follow the science – but what about all the scientists who are against forced isolation and lockdowns?  It ain’t settled science no matter how loudly you shout.

Speaking of not settled science, what exactly is your position on the Climate Change hoax?  You embraced AOC’s “Green New Deal” in which she calls for the elimination of private autos and airlines and the total elimination of fossil fuels in 10 years – or some such lunacy.  In fact, you have said that AOC will be in charge of your energy and climate policies. You have emphatically said that you will immediately stop the production of gas and oil production from fracking and shut down the coal industry. Please tell us how any of this will benefit the American people.

Yes, Mr. Biden, your positions on issues is the issue in this election.  And, there is your record to consider.  You opposed desegregating schools saying that you did not want your kids in a “racial jungle.”  You supported anti-crime bills that disproportionately affected young black men, whom you called “predatory animals.” You supported Obamacare which has been horrific for working class Americans.  The individual mandate was unconstitutional.  The “one size fits all” approach, which forces young people to pay for geriatric coverage and the elderly to carry maternity coverage drove the cost of insurance sky high; with most Americans seeing more than a 200% increase in health insurance premiums.  And there are still 30 million Americans without health insurance. Your “big fucking deal” has done more harm than good.

Lastly, we can look at your history of bribery and extorsion during your years as Vice President.  You and your son, Hunter, became billionaires by strong arming foreign governments and selling influence around the world.  I cannot think of a more corrupt, self-serving person who has ever sought the White House than you – maybe Mrs. Clinton, but it would be close.

I only hope that the “Deplorables” turn out in large enough numbers to prevent you party from stealing this election.  The course that you are plotting for our nation will not end well, whether you are elected or not.  You and your Party have set a course that can only end in violence.