Sunday, April 19, 2020

I Will Make My Stand

I am not doing well with the mandated “quarantine” and other restrictions in our forced closed economy.  With my years of experience and observation, I can unequivocally state that I neither trust nor believe the governments, the news media, scientists and doctors who cooperate with governments.  I don’t believe anything that they are telling us about the Covid-19 “dam-pendic”.  I am totally confident that the virus has been around longer than since December, that many more people have contracted it than reported, and that the survival rate is much higher than we are being told.  There is no doubt in my mind that the authorities over diagnose, over count, and over report the number of infections and deaths.

The knee jerk over reactions by federal and state governments are unprecedent in the history of our country.  Even presuming that the driving intentions were good (and that is not an assumption that I can accept), these restrictions are an amazing attack on our liberties and our economy.  The damage that the closing of our economy has done may take years to overcome – and we may never get back our fundamental liberties.  Most damning, is the reality that all of this suffering may have been based on inaccurate, grossly inflated numbers.

The question facing each of us as sovereign individuals, created in the image of God, and blessed with God given rights and liberties is, “Where do I make my stand?”  If you are not asking yourself this question, then you have already surrendered your sovereignty to the evil power of the State and you have accepted being a slave to your Masters.  May God have Mercy on your soul.

For those of us who are still sovereign, when will you take your stand?

Tomorrow, every business in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is supposed to deny entry to unmasked people.  The Governor’s order includes the provision that those with medical conditions, do not need to and merchants cannot deny if so claimed.

After prayerful thought, I will not comply.

It is not that I am thoughtlessly endangering the lives of my neighbors.  From all that I can read and find, this thing isn’t a tenth of what they want us to think that it is. As more studies are being done, researchers are finding that many more people have had it than thought and that the mortality rate is a whole lot less than projected.  The government, the news media, and the so-called “scientific community” have lied to us right from the start.

When I am diagnosed with a contagious illness I will accept being quarantined, but not until.  This is no longer a question of quarantine, but rather an issue of being held on house arrest without being charged, tried, and convicted.

The resistance to this must begin with each of us deciding when and where to make a stand. I will not comply with the mask order. If I am refused entry after saying that I have a medical condition that prevents me from wearing one – I will simply sit down right in the doorway and remain there until I am allowed in – or removed by force.  Following the examples of Ghandi and Dr King, I will protest peacefully.  For now.

We each, as sovereign individuals must make the choice. I have made mine.  May God lead each of you to the choice that is right for you.

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