Thursday, April 16, 2020

Are We Going to Learn Anything?

Well into our forced, semi-voluntary house arrest, one wonders if we are taking advantage of the many “teachable moments” that the Pandemic is offering to us.  It would seem that many of us needed to learn to wash our hands and not to sneeze or cough on other folks.  I’m pretty sure that my parents taught me these things, but I could be wrong.  We should be learning that personal space is not merely a “social construct”, but may be rooted in a natural, self-defense instinct.  Some of us might be learning that not working isn’t as much fun as we used to think.

There are some other things here that I genuinely hope that we are learning.  One of the first take aways for me is that “we” are not living in one big, global village.  There are natural and cultural differences around the world that can, in the wrong circumstances, become deadly.  Natural selection is based upon the environment in which we develop.  Our unique and particular environments provide us with some immunities to diseases common in our environment.  Being 10 and more generations in temperate North America, I have no natural immunity to environmental threats that exist in environments on other continents.  I have no immunity to diseases that thrive in the rain forests, the subarctic, or the vast semi-arid regions of Asia.  We, here in the United States, have a natural immunity to local diseases that might devastate populations on other continents.  Different places and different populations have different immunities and different diseases.  It is what it is.

There are also cultural differences in populations around the world that can have powerful impacts on our health.  There are many places in the world where there is no sanitation.  Some people in the world simply are not clean, by our – or any other – standard.  Many people in the world live in squalor that would kill the typical, modern American.  And, some people in faraway places eat things that would kill most of us.  (Think about the whole bats boiled in those Chinese soups.)  Nor is food preparation equally sanitary around the world.  Many people buy their meats at markets where the food animal is alive and butchered right on site with little or no water, soap, sanitizers, or refrigeration.  Very few of us would ever consider cooking and eating a chicken, dog, cat, or a goat from a Chinese “wet market”.  Hell, a lot of Americans won’t eat home butchered venison!  Our culture demands that our food stuffs be grown, processed, stored, and marketed with the utmost sanitary controls.  These are cultural differences that can, and obviously have, caused health issues around the world.

I hope that we will learn that it is imperative to have strict control over our borders.  This is not a statement rooted in any form of racism or xenophobia; but rather one born from the acceptance of realities as they are.  There are diseases out there in the world that can raise hell with our American family.  We need to know who is coming here and from where.

We should also learn that not every other nation has the best interest of the American people at heart.  China could and should have been more open and honest about this virus way back last fall.  Had China been more open, perhaps we could have prevented the half – million Chinese nationals who came to the US for the Chinese New Year celebration from coming.  That one action alone may have prevented Covid-19 from getting a foothold in America.

It might also be time to learn that the “Wizards of Smart” don’t have all the answers and that we can be “experted” to death.  Every Covid-19 model has been wrong.  Every “expert” forecast about the severity of the Pandemic has been wrong.  The “Wizards of Smart” first projected more than 2 million Americans would die from the virus.  They have down graded this projection to somewhere between 20 and 60,000 casualties.  The difference in these projections make me wonder if there was any actual scientific basis to any of these guesses.  Or, how smart really are the “Wizards of Smart”?

And, just how ventilators and hospital beds did the “Wizards of Smart” say that we needed?  Just how many patients have been treated on the Navy hospital ships in California and New York?  How many empty beds are there in the fields hospitals that the Army Corps of Engineers built almost overnight?
It might be too much to hope for, but I am hoping that we will learn that the leadership of the Democratic Party has no real concern for the future of our country and our people.  One can argue about the rightness of government infusing 2 trillion dollars into the economy – since government edict destroyed the economy – but the Democrats stuffed billions and billions of dollars of stupid spending into the stimulus.  The Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Public Broadcasting, and Planned Parenthood baby killers don’t need billions, while more than half of Americans are not being allowed to work.

We might also learn that “Trump Derangement Syndrome” should be classified as an actual mental illness.  Listening to the main stream media “report” and pontificate about the President’s handling of the Pandemic is sickening.  If you didn’t know better, you might think that Mr. Trump doesn’t care how many of us die and that any Democrat could have done a better job.  Does anyone remember how many Americans died of the swine flu when the vaunted, Indonesian Barry Soetoro was President?

There might be some questions that you should not ask; however.  Like, how many games of solitaire can one play in a day? How many free Kindle books are there to download?  How many robins can you count from your easy chair? How many Bigfoot podcasts are there out there? Just askin’.

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