Thursday, January 3, 2019

Happy New Year to California!

Most of us look forward to the New Year as a fresh start, a time of renewal, some sort of new beginning.  And while most of us woke up Tuesday morning with a sense of hope for the New Year, Californian's woke up to more than 1,000 NEW laws taking effect in the Golden State.

1,000 NEW laws.  I cannot comprehend 1,000 TOTAL laws, let alone 1,000 NEW laws.

Among some of the new laws are these; SB 100 which requires California to have 50% of its electricity generated by non-carbon sources by 2026 and 100% by 2045.  Even if it could be done, the cost will be horrific. SB 100 guarantees that Californian's will pay the highest rates for electricity in the United States, fleecing the public whilst the corporate “fat cats” get richer.

AB 406, a boondoggle to the teacher's unions, prohibits “for profit” companies from operating charter schools.  For all of the chatter about “a woman's right to choose” - apparently Governor Brown doesn't think women should have the “right to choose” how their kids are educated.  Besides, we can't let any more teachers get away without paying union dues for the Democrat Party!

SB1192 bans sugary sodas as a kid's meal default beverage.  Beverage choices were limited to water, plain milk, and non-dairy substitutes like yummy almond milk, while AB 1884 bans full-service,    dine-in restaurants from offering single-use plastic straws unless they are requested by customers.  The compromise legislation exempted fast-food chains and which type of restaurant uses the most plastic straws do you think?  Banning plastic straw?  I could not make this stuff up.

And, for any of you who still suffer under the delusion that Democrats are against corporations, SB 901 allows Pacific Gas & Electric power utility to raise rates to pay for liability associated with 2017 forest fires supposedly sparked by power lines and provides $200 million to thin forests.  The legislation avoids controversy about homeless starting forest fires and the legislature's passing laws limiting logging roads that served as fire breaks.  Once again, California's “ruling class” will force the people to pay for the mistakes of their corporate cronies.

From protecting unions and corporate cronies to forcing parents to pick “politically correct” beverages for their kids Californians will see more and more of their individual freedoms and liberties eroding away to the hopelessness of servitude to the State.

1,000 NEW laws.  It boggles the imagination.

1,000 NEW laws.  How many so-called laws does each of us violate every day without even realizing that we are breaking a law?  How many arcane, outdated, and maybe idiotic, ordinances, municipal, county, state and federal laws are there of which most of us are unaware?  How many laws did I break today?  I have no earthly idea, but I am quite sure that somewhere, somehow, today I broke one or more “laws”.  Is the world better off for all of these “laws”?  I genuinely have to wonder.

The question that comes to my mind, is why do sovereign people need 1,000 NEW LAWS to continue to function as a society?  Maybe a better question is, why do sovereign people need 1,000 laws, period? What has happened to us, Americans, that we have become willing to surrender so much of our liberty over to the various Governments?  How have we allowed this to happen?  What has been the thinking process that has made us willing to let a “ruling class” control so much of our daily lives?  And, maybe even more frightening, how are there so many among us so willing to tell the rest of us how to live?

I cannot begin to imagine telling others how to live their lives. I cannot begin to imagine wanting to control other people.  That is so alien to my way of thinking that there simply is no way for my mind to grasp controlling others.  What dark lust drives someone to want to control another human being?  What form of evil seeks to deny freedom and liberty in the lives of others?  What weakness has grown in the rest of us to accept it?

Have the Totalitarians among us used our big-hearted, kindness against us?  Have the Totalitarians among us made it “politically incorrect” to speak up in defense of our freedom and liberty?  Is it just not “cool” to be concerned about government overreach, and most definitely, divisive to speak of it?  Has our desire not to offend anyone allowed the Tyrants among us to run amok?  How much of our individual liberty will we surrender before we rise up to defend ourselves?

The debate should not be whether Republican or Democrat, nor “left” or “right”, nor even”progressive” or “conservative”.  The debate now should be “liberty” or “government control”.  Regardless of the issue, freedom-loving people must start speaking up for liberty.  Every additional law, rule, regulation, tax or fee takes another bit of your liberty. The fact that California enacted 1,000 NEW laws on January 1 should scare the daylights out of every American.

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