The political spin that politicians and news media are putting on the so-called immigrant “caravan” surging against our Southern border is placing our nation and our people at great risk. Those who downplay the danger are either naive, misinformed, or totally unconcerned with the future of our nation. These are not “harmless” refugee seeking asylum – this is an invasion by foreign, hostile forces.
Our progressive and sophisticated brethren downplay the danger that this “caravan” represents. After all, they say, it's a few thousand people “just” looking for a better life. We have enough in this country to go around. I do not disparage the expression of generosity, but I do question the intelligence and quality of thought behind it. It may be true that our nation's welfare system could accept 7 to 10 thousand people. The question becomes, how much strain would it put on the budgets and resources of various states and localities. How well prepared to take in 1,000 homeless, jobless, people is your town or county? How many people with undiagnosed contagions can your local hospital take in? What potential for violence does a group of several hundred or several thousand “refugee” present to local law enforcement?
If you have taken time to dig into the news from Mexico, you know that this “caravan” has been violent and destructive on its trek north. The people in the group have attacked local police, they have looted villages in their path, they have burned American flags, and cursed America and our President. Many of these people, unless I am totally wrong, are coming to America to loot and pillage. They are, in my opinion, coming to try to get whatever material wealth they can – by whatever means necessary. I don't think they are coming in order to become productive citizens.
Nor is this the first time that masses of people have surged against our Southern border. Several times over the past few years, crowds of teenagers from Mexico and Central American have come to Texas and been given entry. The success of these earlier invasions has given this group of people reason to think that the US government will cave and let them flood across – only to be followed by thousands more. The refusal to protect our Southern border by previous presidents has given a green light to others who want to come to take whatever they can.
Should this invasion be allowed, our nation will not long endure.
Before you “sophisticates” pass this off as the rantings of a “right-wing fanatic racist bigot homophone”, let us consider several things. The first thing to consider is the idea of “asymmetric” warfare.” Asymmetric warfare is a “war” between belligerents who have vastly different firepower and vastly differing tactics and strategies. Consider the Vietnam war. Consider the Russian invasion of Afghanistan. Consider the current war that the radical Muslims are waging against the Western world. While there was a North Vietnamese government behind the guerrillas, they used vastly different tactics. The Afghani fighters and the Muslim terrorists are not a country's army, but they are nonetheless, conducting warfare against nation states. These are examples of “asymmetric” warfare.
Sending thousands of “unarmed” people into another country is also a form of “asymmetric warfare. The weapons are human bodies, the strategy is to overwhelm the United States and cause our government to collapse.
You must also understand that in Mexico and Central America, people are taught that the Western US is legitimately a part of Mexico. Many people in those countries do not accept that the current boundaries are legal. And there are many “sophisticates” and progressives in the US who also believe that the United States is not a legitimate nation. And it follows, therefore, that if the nation is not legitimate the wealth of its people also belongs to Mexico and the Central American people. There is, a driving force behind this invasion.
In order to fully understand the danger of this invasion, one must also understand the Cloward – Piven Strategy. In the 1960's, sociologists and political activists, Cloward and Pliven postulated that the only way to eliminate poverty in the US was to completely overwhelm the social welfare system and force the government to adopt a total income distribution system. Radicalized, the strategy has been expanded to suggest that by overwhelming a government's financial foundation by massive spending, a nation can be destroyed from within. After years of massive deficit spending, the US is now faced with a massively expensive humanitarian crisis in this invasion and those that surely will follow. In not too many years, the financial system of the US will no longer be able to sustain the spending and the government will collapse. It is from the ruins of the United States this now is, will come the United States of the future; a just, fair, socialist world partner will arise. Do not misunderstand the gravity. There is strategy and planning behind the apparent chaos south of our border.
There is also money behind the “caravans” flowing north through Mexico. Consider for a moment, how much food, how much water, and how many restrooms there would have to be for a group of 5,000 people. When we see these people on the TV news, we see clothed and fed people. We see tents, we see blankets, we see pants and shoes. We do not see a massive mob of destitute people. Were this really an organic, self-motivated, self-directed migration, we would be seeing destitute, desperate people. If this were truly a migration of “refugees” they would be pillaging and destroying everything in their path. Starving migrants on the move are desperate. And we are not seeing the images that we have seen of people trying to escape war, genocide, and starvation.
Somebody, or somebodies, have invested vast amounts of money into feeding and supplying this mass of humanity. Somebody organized it. Somebody put it all together. There is a great deal of planning and logistics involved. Somebody has planned, organized, purchased equipment and supplies. Somebody has laid out the routes, alerted the news media and made this thing happen. We do know that several UN agencies are assisting the”caravan” and we can only wonder how much anti-American Iranian, Arabian and other foreign government money is involved. And we cannot forget that billionaire George Soros hates the US and has the resources to feed, cloth and house an army of 5,000 or more “refugees”. Soros has repeatedly said that his goal is to destroy the United States.
Do not mistake this invasion for a humanitarian crisis. This is planned, organized, directed and funded by people, maybe nations, that want to destroy the US. The philosophy is there, the theory is there, the funding is there. We are being attacked and, like the long-ago Romans, we will be defeated if we do not stop this invasion. The stakes have never been higher. How strong is our resolve?
I am not alone! Read Newt Gingrinch here