Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Real Existential Threat to Democracy

 I often wonder what it must be like to be a Democrat. I mean, how do you parrot the idiotic things that your Party leaders say? How do you call fellow Americans Nazis just because hey disagree with you? How do you justify calling Republicans and Conservatives racists simply because they don’t agree with you that the white race is the cause of all the World’s problems? I wonder how you can look at the price of gas and groceries and claim things are great in America. How can you think about the disastrous, unconditional surrender of Afghanistan to the Taliban and a world being engulfed by war and think your guy is doing well? What is it like to know that your political party hid the president’s dementia from you for 5 years?

But I really wonder what it must be like to be a Democrat today knowing that your political party does not respect YOUR vote in the recent presidential primaries.

Millions of you turned out to vote in your state primaries and caucuses and voted for Biden. About 85% of registered Democrats voted for Biden in the primaries. Now, after the whole world saw his imcomptency, his obvious cognitive impairment, and raging dementia during the presidential debate and the NATO press conference – the elites in the Democratic party have dumped him. YOUR votes do not matter to them.

Your votes in the primaries don’t count. The will of the people doesn’t count. All that counts is winning – and it only counts because of the wealth that accrues to those in power. Your Party doesn’t care about you – all they care about is there power and the monet they can get from that power.

Your Party doesn’t care about you. If they cared about you, gas would still be less than $2 a gallon, graceries would be 40% less than they are now, our borders would be closed, and the world would be at peace.

And if they cared about you they would not have hidden Biden’s dementia from you for 5 years and they wouldn’t be overturning your primary votes.

You Democrats can claim that President Trump is an “existential threat to Democracy” for questioning obvious problems with vote counting in the 2020 election. You can claim that until the cows come home, but from where I sit, it is the Democratic Party that has no regard for the will of the people.


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