Throughout most of human history, life itself was dangerous enough to keep the people in line. Modernity removed many of the natural threats – humans, especially Americans, were less likely in 1920 to be killed or eaten in their front yard than in 1820. We hardly given any thought today to “lions and tigers and bears, oh my!”, and there don’t tend to be roaming marauders like there were 200 years ago. In many ways, life has become so tame that we sometimes seem to manufacture things to be afraid of. A free people, free of fear, are difficult to control. The horse running free over the hills, is not plowing the Master’s field. The unharnessed horse has little value.
Novelist Michael Crichton wrote a very good thriller called “State of Fear”, in which he posits that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the World (and especially the American people) were totally free of fear. Unshackled, or unharnessed, if you will, the American people were poised to explode with a burst of creativity the likes of which had not been seen since the dawn of the industrial age. Without the looming threat of nuclear annihilation, there was no way to control the people.
Crichton’s story is that the government, media, and academia conspire to make Climate Change seem like an immediate, existential threat, thereby, giving governments more control over the people. Like the horse in our previous illustration, the Masters cannot control a free, unharnessed people.
This writer wonders just how prescient Crichton may have been. The American voters completely derailed the Masters’ plans by electing Donald Trump as President. The man does not play by Their rules and is an existential threat to the world’s Ruling Class. After three years of constant attacks, the man just keeps on keeping on. They can’t figure out how to stop him. They thought he would resign when they impeached him, but when that failed, They needed something bigger.
Something far more frightening. A global pandemic, perhaps?
The news media began “reporting” on the coronavirus immediately following Trump’s acquittal by the Senate. The actual seriousness of this new flu does not warrant the news coverage or the resulting hysteria. As of this writing (March 13), fewer than 50 people have died in the US. Fifty out of 320, 000,000 Americans – .00015625% of our estimated population. More Americans died today from cancer than have died from the coronavirus. More Americans died on the highways today than have died from the virus. Many more American babies died from abortion today than from Covid – 19.
The hype is absolutely irresponsible.
But yet, it is serving the purpose. Professional sports leagues have postponed their seasons. Gutless state governors are closing schools – now, I must wonder under what authority, but that’s just me. The Democratic Party is cancelling their primary elections to give the nomination to a senile sex fiend rather than to a senile, rabid Communist. President Trump has cancelled his campaign rallies – ah! Now, that’s the big one! Keep those damn Deplorables from gathering. So goes our First Amendment Right to free Assembly.
The economic impact of all of this hysteria will be staggering. Events cancelled, pay checks disrupted, payments missed, banks failing – all over a mild flu. The Ruling Class is taking full advantage of this, fueling the hysteria, trying to disrupt the economy, trying to bring as much misery as possible to the American people, knowing full well that the news media, will blame Trump for whatever bad they are able to rain down on the people. The more pain, the more economic hardships, the more the media will trash Trump in their effort to restore the Ruling Class to power.
Fueled by the media hype, the Ruling Class has set out to destroy our economy in order to blame it on President Trump. Mark my words, but in the meantime, it’s just a flu. Live when you live then die and be done with it.
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