I have been watching this ongoing “impeachment” non-sense down to Washington with a mixture of disgust, sadness, and growing unease. The most frightening thing that I see in all of this, is that the professional politicians, those in the “Ruling Class” have trivialized and is making a mockery of, the most important responsibility given to the House of Representatives in the Constitution. This does not bode well for the future of the Republic.
The Founding Fathers included impeachment, conviction, and removal of a duly elected president, as the ultimate relief valve in the event of a president going criminal in the White House. The removal of the President, should be, along with declaring war, the most somber, awesome undertaking in the House of Representatives. It should not be politicized and trivialized. It is, after all, undoing the expressed will of a majority of voters. If there is any respect for organized democracy, impeachment, conviction, and removal of a president should be approached only with just cause.
Let me digress, a bit, and discuss the Electoral College. The Founders were incredibly genius. They foresaw so many things, and structured the Constitution to be able to address them. And, they saw things that existed in their day that would always exist. One of these was concentrated populations.
It was obvious to the Founders that simply electing the President by popular vote would give incredible power to cities and towns and weaken the power of rural areas. The Electoral College allows for popular vote, but protects rural area, and small towns, by assigning electors according to the Congressional districts. Philadelphia and Pittsburgh voters cannot overwhelm voters in the rest of Pennsylvania. Votes from Warren, Elk, Cameron and Clarion Counties are just as important. The Electoral College is a good thing and those who seek to circumvent it are either simply wrong, or simply trying to seize all political power.
We aren’t really seeing the atmosphere of respect and seriousness surrounding the impeachment attempt of President Trump that I think is necessary. Talking heads and media commentators began speculating about impeaching Mr. Trump immediately following the election. The Ruling Class and their sycophants simply could not accept that Trump had won the election.
It started during the election campaign. Media types were harping on Trump and Russian collusion back then, even when there was grounds nor reason too. Candidate Trump made a joke about Russian computer hacking – “Maybe the Russians can find those 33 thousand emails that Hillary lost.” It was a joke, but media types insisted that it “proved” that Trump was working with the Russians to “steal” the election. It was a joke.
But, when he won, suddenly the Elites, the Ruling Class, the Privileged Ones needed an explanation as to why their chosen candidate had not won. Usually when one loses an election, one tries to understand why one’s message didn’t work with voters. Not so with the Hillary folks! Mrs. Clinton was SUPPOSED to win! There was no way a foul-mouthed bully from New York could beat her.
But he did, because he knew what things concerned us, the people, the most. He spoke of these and he offered common sense solutions that we, the people, could get behind. Trump won because he spoke plainly. We, the people, are tired of “political speak” and “political correctness”. We speak plain and it is time our elected officials speak plain, too. Trump won because he spoke to us and with us.
The Ruling Class wasted almost 3 years with the Mueller, “Russian Collusion” investigation. There was nothing there. Now, they are on this “quid pro quo” with the Ukraine, accusing Trump of withholding military aid to the Ukraine until they “got dirt” on Joe Biden. All of this now, is based a phone call to the Ukrainian President, the transcript of which the President released which shows absolutely no wrong doing. But the relentless impeachment push goes on.
The investigators continue to investigate in secret, behind closed doors. They leak just enough cherry-picked information to keep the dogs in the news media straining at their leashes. Congressional Democrats need to keep the public agitated, stirred up enough to demand action, even if there are no “high crimes and misdemeanors”. After all, it is the “seriousness of the charges, not the weight of the evidence” that matters. The end game is simply to drive Mr. Trump from office and therefore, to “win”. It is just a game to the Ruling Class.
For those of you who don’t remember, the investigations that led to Nixon resigning stemmed from an actual break in at the Democrat Party Headquarters in Washington, DC. Two of the perpetrators had connections with the Committee to Reelect the President. Nixon’s aides told him about the break in and he participated in a cover up. Clean shot, obstruction of justice, whether you were a Nixon guy or not. Truth is truth.
With Clinton, the investigation into shady business dealings got tangled up with his womanizing. Clinton, knowingly, gave false testimony under oath. Clean shot, perjury, whether you were a Clinton fan or not. Truth is truth.
The difference between Nixon – Clinton and Trump, is that there were investigations going on about other things, that discovered impeachable actions. There was no talk of impeaching Nixon before investigators found the coverup. There was no talk of impeaching Clinton, until he committed his very public perjury. In the case of Mr. Trump, the investigators intend to impeach and are investigating until they find anything, that they can convince a simple majority of Congressmen and Senators is serious enough to impeach, convict, and remove.
There is an incredible difference between the two approaches. If you are unable to see that difference, you may very well be part of the problem that is killing our nation.
I am not sure that most Americans will accept a railroad job impeachment of the President. The people may not stand by and let the Ruling Class force the President out of office. We, the People, have stood by and let the Ruling Class do many things that we should have stopped, even if it took force to stop them. Their Oath of Office is to support and defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic – many of us question if they are doing that.
For the first time in my life, I am truly worried about the survival of my Country.
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