Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Now They Want to Tell Us How to Run Our Air Conditioners

There are times when I really wonder how the “Ruling Class” looks at the rest of us in the “Country Class”.  When I think about the ridiculous number of regulations that have been imposed upon the American people by our governing agents, I sense a genuine lack of respect for the people by the rulers.  Or, in plain English, they must think that we are dumber than a box of rocks.  Maybe I am old-fashioned, or just being contrary, but I really don’t think that how much water my toilet uses per flush needs to be regulated by state and federal agencies.  I’m just saying . . .

The most recent example of government over reach was reported recently by Channel 5 News in Los Angeles, out in “the land of fruits and nuts.”   According to the news report, “Energy Star”, a program administered by the US Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency, that is supposed to advise us dummies of how to save energy, save money and improve the environment.  (Read “Save the Planet!”)

Am I the only one who finds a magnificent irony in ANY federal agency providing information on saving money???  Am I the only one who thinks it is absurd that the US Department of Energy has never produce a single joule of energy for the American people?  Does anyone else ever wonder about how much authority we have given unelected bureaucrats in the EPA?

But I digress.  Now, this latest suggestion from our “betters” is that we should set our air conditioning thermostats at 78 degrees when we are at home and to turn them up to 85 degrees when we leave the house and set them at 82 degrees when we go to bed at night. Okay. Yeah, right.

There was a time when my house was 78 degrees when I was in the house.  It was before we had air conditioning.  I lived in very few houses that were comfortable in the summer without air conditioning.  We’d have a fan or two in every room, but all they did was move hot air.  Being in the house only offered relief from being out in the sun.  I don’t really want to live that way again.

And, the thought of sleeping in a room that is 80 degrees is almost more than I care to imagine.  I sleep better in cooler air.  It has been that way all of my life.  I remember sleeping out in the yard as a kid because it was too hot to sleep in the house.  I’m too old to sleep on the ground now and packing a cot in and out of the house every night and morning does not sound inviting either.  And, I am sure that my neighbors would not appreciate me sleeping the yard.  Along the street.  In South Bethlehem.  Just sayin’.

As miserably uncomfortable as many of us would find these temperatures, do we really think that the wonks at Energy Star keep their houses this hot in the summer?  I am pretty sure that the people who made these recommendations don’t follow them.  After all, they are our “betters”, aren’t they?

There’s a couple of things about this news article that bother me.  First, why in the name of bright, sunny days is our federal government wasting money on “Energy Star” when we are $25 trillion dollars in debt?  Where in the Constitution is authorization for this Energy Star program?  Why is this money being wasted?

It also annoys me that anybody would have the audacity to tell anyone else how warm or how cool to keep their house.  Where in the world do people get the idea that they have the right to tell other people how to live?  Why would anyone want to tell someone else how to live?  I simply don’t understand that – I have no point of reference for wanting to order another free, sovereign adult around.  It amazes me that anyone would want to.

I think what annoys me the most about this, is that our government has programs designed for people to tell other people how to live their lives.  I mean, seriously.  How have we gotten so far off track that we have government wonks running around telling how high we should set our air conditioners, how long it is “safe” to leave our Thanksgiving turkeys out on the counter, and zillion other regulations, rules, suggestions, and guidelines.  All of this on top of the “billions and billions and billions” that we spend on public education.

Maybe I am asking too much, but I would like to think that by the time our kids are ready to go out on their own, they know that how much they run their air conditioners in the summer and how hot they keep their places in the winter will impact how much heating and cooling costs.  Do we really need public service announcements and tv news casts every holiday about leaving our turkeys out too long?  (I wonder how blown away some of these folks would be if they knew that farm families years ago might leave the turkey out in a cool room until it was picked clean, and lived to tell about it!!)

There was a time in our country when we lived and let live.  There was a time when we minded our own business and let other people mind theirs.  There was a time when we understood that individual liberty was just that; the right to live your life as you wanted as long as you didn’t hurt anyone else.  I’d like to see those days return.  I’d like to see our people be free again and to respect the freedoms of others.

I hope it’s not too much to ask for and not too late to ask.

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