Monday, November 7, 2016

Think Before You Vote

It is not alarmist to say that the fate of our nation depends on the outcome of tomorrow’s Presidential election. Should the American people, or a rigged election system, put Hillary Clinton in the White House, America as we have known it, America as it was Founded will cease to exist.

Our nation has suffered through 8 years of horrific, lawless rule by the ruling elites led by President Obama. We have seen our Federal Government ignore laws that it did not like, use the force of the IRS against people and groups opposed to the Government, and force us to buy health insurance that we cannot afford and hat does not pay for services. We have watched as Moslem terrorists have come to the US and wrecked their havoc across out nation. Under the current leadership, America has surrendered it’s role as world leader and we are seeing violence and Moslem extremist set the world aflame.

Here at home, we have become one of the most taxed and regulated people in the world. Our so-called leaders have turned us against one another – there is more racial unrest today than at any time since the early 1970s. Our cities have become war zones where police are accused of randomly murdering black men and police are the targets of ambushes and sniper attacks.

Our cultural heritage is under siege. Television and movies are awash with filth and degredation and all manners of perversion. Christians and Christian beliefs are routinely attacked in schools, universities and in the press. The freedom of worship protection is the Constitution has been warped, twisted and raped into being a “freedom from religion” right – banning free Christian expression in public. Behaviors that Christians believe to be sins are celebrated in pop culture; and Christians are demonized when they object.

People supporting Donald Trump have been attacked by Clinton supporters. Republican campaign buildings have been vandalized and burned. There does not seem to be any respect or empathy for those with whom we disagree.

Neither Donald Trump nor Hillary Clinton are people who I would want to sit and share a meal with. Neither of these people are people that I would hold as role models for my grandchildren. But, this election must be about more than personalities. It is essential that anyone who possibly can, think long and hard before voting. What do you want the future to be for your children and grandchildren? Do you want a vibrant nation, a growing booming economy, a nation respected around the world? Or, do you want more of the same; nearly 50 percent of all American adults are not working, continued violence in our cities, more terrorist attacks, continuing invasion of illegal migrants across our borders, continuing attacks on our Christian, American culture?

You need to think about it. The ruling class, the elites, Mrs. Clinton, and the whole Washington establishment must be brought down and it has to begin tomorrow with this election.

Vote, but vote America and her future.

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