Thursday, October 31, 2024

Is Unity Truly Her Goal?


“Kamala the Chameleon’s” claim to being the candidate who can “unite” the American people might be the most ludicrous bit of nitwittery being bandied about in this election cycle. I really wonder what heinous protocols might await those among us who will refuse to “unite” with the “progressive” re-structuring of America. It is, after all, progressives who have called for “re-education” camps for Trump supporters.

Paula Collins, Democratic congressional candidate in NY Congressional District 21 has called for Trump supporters to be interred. Even party super-star HILLARY has called for “deprogramming” Trump “cultists”. Is this Harris’ plan for national unity, coerced agreement? This reminds me on Mao’s Cultural Revolution in Red China. Hard handed in my humble opinion.

We – Conservatives, Republicans, Libertarians, and Patriots – must bear in mind that the progressive leadership is well schooled in Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” and one of his rules is "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." After more than 40 years of demonizing, personalizing, and polarizing their opposition, their calls for “unity” seem hollow, empty, and phony as hell. It was creepy Joe Biden, just four short years ago who promised to unite us, and then just the other day called us “garbage”. So much for bringing us all together.

The Alinsky progressives have spent almost 50 years demonizing everyone who has not been in complete lockstep with their every position. And those positions have become so extreme in the past 16 years that the gulf between the Democrats and the rest of us might be too wide to bridge.

When we disagree on runaway government spending – you call us mean spirited.

When we disagree on parents’ rights in the schools – you call us domestic terrorists.

When we disagree on men participating in women’s sports – you call us haters.

When we disagree on placing some limitations on pre-natal murder – you call us misogynists.

When we disagree on illegal immigration – you call us racists.

When we disagree on crime in our cities – you lie to us and say that our cities are safe.

When we tell you that we want our America to be safe, strong, free, and prosperous – you call us fascists and racists.

When we object to your radical climate proposals and your mandates that we submit to unsafe, untested, and dangerous vaccines – you call us science deniers.

Democrats have made it clear that they do not respect our beliefs, our culture. Our values and our desires to walk as free men. We hear Democrats pay lip service to “uniting” Americans – but they ignore, trash, vilify, and persecute Americans who disagree with them. Words are cheap, and politicians use them just to con people into voting for them. It is much more important to watch what people do. Has Kamala Harris shown us any respect?  How often has she supported positions that respect American values? Has she done anything in her career to show that she has any concern for the typical American? Do not fall for the words – look to the deeds done and not done.

At this point in our nation’s journey, I do not believe that there can be any unifying the American people. After 2 generations of the Alinsky Radicals dominating politics, popular culture, news media, and the public education system the divide between the Conservatives, Republicans, Libertarians, and Patriots and the progressive Democrats is irreparable. The United States, as founded and constituted, cannot exist much longer. The seeds of its death were sown by Saul Alinsky and nurtured by 50 years of progressive, power hungry, totalitarian Democrats. Our nation is on the brink of civil war and there will be no stopping it.








Thursday, October 3, 2024

A Rare and Decent Man

 I suffered through the Vice President “debate” just to try to see if I could learn something about the candidates. To be honest, I did learn somethings that I did not know, and had some things that I already knew, reinforced. First and foremost, none of these candidates EVER answers the actual question that they are asked. They use the question as a gateway to a campaign “talking point.” That annoys the hell out of me! If you are not willing to answer questions do not run for office! It is just that simple.

I learned that Governor Walz is not particularly bright. He did not seem to have a particularly deep understanding of economics or how tax rates affect tax revenue. (Reference the Laffer Curve.) Walz, like Harris, is a Marxist. Their fallback position is “class envy” and “class strife.” That is such a despicable ideology. How can we build a peaceful, united, society if our government is constantly pitting one group of citizens against another?

Our current tax system is unfair. Every adult citizen should pay the same percentage of their income as tax. Write – offs and exemption should be exceedingly rare and be offered to every taxpayer. No citizen should pay a higher percentage of their income as tax than any other taxpayer. And pigs might fly.

Mr. Walz also showed no understanding of foreign policy and the need for a strong, stable United States. The man is simply not ready for the role of Vice President. He touted all the remarkable success that Minnesota has had under his leadership, but studiously skirted his lack of leadership during the riots of 2020. “Buffoon” is the word that comes to mind.

I also learned that the lamestream media has been dreadfully unjust in their portrayal of Senator Vance. Ever since he emerged on the national scene as a candidate for Senate in Ohio, the media has painted Mr. Vance as a wild eyed, crazed radical, politically somewhere between Adolph Hitler and Attila the Hun. I was expecting to hear all kinds of white jingoist rhetoric; what I heard was an articulate, thoughtful, intelligent man with a depth of knowledge about the issues facing our nation.

Senator Vance presented himself as a steady, calm, unflappable man. He exuded confidence and leadership ability. He made his positions clear; he took no crap from the moderators, and he was gentile and gentlemanly throughout the discussion.

The senator also used two very subtle, totally devastating devices throughout the debate that were simply brilliant. Every time he referenced the current administration he said, “Kamala Harris” not “Joe Biden,” thereby assigning all blame for the current dumpster fire that is our world squarely on Harris. It was brilliant!

The other device was also devastating, but in a different manner. Throughout the entire debate, Senator Vance referred to Governor Walz by his first name, instead of by his title, thereby minimizing Walz’s political stature. These both show the senator’s strategic skill and thinking ability.

The most important moment of the debate came when Senator Vance spontaneously reacted to Walz saying that his 17-year-old son had witnesses a shooting. The senator’s response was incredible. 

He said, “"Tim, first of all, I didn't know that your 17-year-old witnessed a shooting, and I'm sorry about that and I hope he's doing OK," he said. "Christs have mercy, it is awful." This was not scripted, was not planned, was not practiced, or rehearsed. It was an honest, heartfelt reaction from a good and decent man. In an era bereft of decent people in positions of power, Senator J. D. Vance stands out as a decent, honorable gentleman.

I grew up in Appalachia, though not of Appalachian people. The people of Appalachia hold many of the characteristics that exemplified America at its best. J. D. Vance embodies the kindness, the decency, the rugged individualism, and the simple goodness of his mountain country heritage. Senator Vance, if elected, will be a strong influence for good on President Trump. 

J. D. Vance is one more good reason to vote for Donald Trump for president.