Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Fate of America Hangs in the Balance


Sometimes I think that I might be Rip Van Winkel. I see what is going on in my country, and I have no idea how our society and government has collapsed into the bizarre psycho, tragic-comedy that I see all around me. The America that I see in this summer of 2024 looks like a cross between 1930’s Germany, a third world banana republic, and a Soviet – era Communist police state observed through a warped Alice in Wonderland looking glass. I never thought that I’d live to see this once great nation being destroyed by its own government, while the whole civilized seems to rushing pell mell toward World War III and the collapse of modern civilization.

Every 4 years for the past 20 years or so the politicians tell us that “this is the most important election in our lifetime”. Looking at the current clown show currently playing in Washington DC, one might conclude that a vast majority of voters have not taken elections seriously for quite some time. It is a colossal understatement to say that our nation is bereft of responsible leadership. It is hard to see anything that this current government has done to improve the lives of most Americans, to make American safer, or to make the world more peaceful. For the life of me, I cannot see anything that is better today than it was before the Covidiocy and the election of “Brandon” Biden.

It is hard to know where to begin listing the things that are worse now than they were before. Before we let the government shut down the country over the pandemic hoax, the American economy was stronger than it had ever been. Most American cities were peaceful and relatively safe – exceptions being some of the Democrat run cities like Portland and Seattle. Gas was cheap. The worst of the Moslem terrorists around the world had been defeated and the world was at peace. Our Southern border was secure with very few migrants entering illegally. Our country, hell the whole world, was so much better off 4 short years ago than it is today.

Within hours of his swearing in, Biden signed dozens of “executive orders” completely destroying border security, ushering in the largest invasion of any nation in the history of the world. There is no other responsible way to describe the current inflow of single, military age, young men from China and other countries that hate America. (Very plausible nightmare scenario: a group of container cargo ships enter Sea-Tac. His inept and stupid Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, continually tells Congress that “our border is secure” and our elected representatives refuse to hold him or the President accountable. Estimates vary from 2.5 to 4 million undocumented, un-vetted persons have entered the US since 2021. Most of these folks have been released into the country with no system to track them or to ensure that they show up for their immigration hearings. Many of these people are being fed, clothed, housed, and provided with limitless healt care by American taxpayers. City governments around the country are paying luxury hotels to house these migrants. Every week, we read in the news about some heinous crime being committed by an illegal migrant.

Compounding the economic burden, is the reality that Mexican drug cartels are using these migrants as “mules” to carry fentanyl into the country for distribution. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that in 2022 and 2023 over 150,000 (mostly teenaged) Americans died from fentanyl overdose. That alone is enough to justify closing the southern border entirely. We are also seeing outbreaks of diseases that had been eradicated in our country. There are reports of measles, leprosy, and tuberculosis among the un-vetted migrants. There is nothing that benefits ordinary Americans in the open order policies of this administration.

Our economy is in shambles. President Trump’s “stimulus” money was bad economic and fiscal policy. But, the Biden administration’s 3.3 trillion dollar “American Rescue Plan spending blew the bottom out of our economy, leading to the runaway inflation that is crippling every single American. Gasoline is almost double the price it was in November of 2020. Food prices have increased by more than 25% since 2021, with no signs of returning to previous levels. No one in our country is immune from this unnecessary – and totally preventable – inflation. Our oldest Americans have seen the value of their retirement saving cut by a quarter, working Americans are seeing their buying power diminish with every paycheck. But it’s the lowest earning Americans who are suffering the most from inflation as they have to spend a larger percentage of their earnings on food and energy that do higher wage earners. Only a handful of Americans are benefiting from the current economic policies of this administration. Most of us are being crushed by it.

The runaway inflation ravaging our economy has triggered massive increases in interest rates as the Federal Reserve tries to quell the inflation. These higher interest rates are supposed to suppress borrowing in order to take money out of the economy. While it does work, it also creates hardship for homeowners who do not have fixed interest loans and for businesses that need to borrow in order to operate. For those of you who do not remember the early 1980’s, interest rates topped 21% before that round of inflation was broken.

While interest rates themselves cannot be blamed on the President, certain presidential actions are exacerbating the pain that higher interest rates are causing. If the cause of inflation is too much money chasing too few goods and services, then government should be striving to help get excess money out of the economy and to increase the amount of goods and services in the economy. The current Biden government continues to spend way too much money on domestic programs, pumping ever increasing amounts of money into the economy fueling inflation while the Federal Reserve is increasing interest rates to stop inflation. Meanwhile, all of us are suffering.

The other tool that the government should be using to get the economy back on track is to promote the growth of industries and businesses to develop more goods and services in the economy to fight inflation. However, the current administration is making business startup and expansion virtually impossible with their doubling down on regulations and their idiotic “green” requirements. Once again, for whatever reasons, the current administration is taking actions that are hurting a majority of the American people.

No discussion of the collapse of America can be complete without considering the total clown show that is Biden’s foreign policy. During the 4 years of President Trump’s presidency the world was at relative peace. America had destroyed the Caliphate, held Iran’s nuclear ambitions in check, convinced the Russians and the Chinese that military adventurism would come at a very high cost. Trump’s oil development policies deprived Russian and Iran of the cash that they needed to field armies. Mr. Trump was also able to convince our NATO allies to pay their share of NATO’s expenses. Like President Trump’s border policies, Biden just simply had to try to completely undo everything President Trump accomplished. And so we see a world rushing headlong into the next world war.

Biden’s first, and most incredibly stupid, act in foreign affairs was his mindless retreat – which became a rout – from Afghanistan. President Trump had set a time line to withdraw, but amended it due to conditions on the ground. As US forces withdrew, the Taliban stepped in. That was not the deal that President Trump had agreed to and so he stopped the withdrawal. That sort of makes sense to a person with any ability to think logically. Biden just had to to bring the troops home, consequences be damned! The Taliban seized control of every bit of territory that our army withdrew from and immediately implemented medieval Islamic rule. As the Taliban’s hold on the country grew, Biden increased the pace of the retreat until it was nothing more than a rout – a panicked fleeing in the face of an enemy. During the last year of President Trumps term, not a single US service man had been lost to enemy fire in Afghanistan. That nation was at peace, thanks to the US military presence.

But Biden just had to “end the war”. Maybe it was just his need to do everything to unravel President Trump’s successes. Maybe in his demented, senile mind, he thought that it was 1968 again and he was ending the war in Vietnam. The images from the airport in the last days of the rout were worse even that the picture of the last helicopter leaving Saigon. As bad as it was to unconditionally surrender to the Taliban, Biden left nearly $90 billion in fully functioning top of the line weapons, planes, tanks, and vehicles behind. Never in all of human history has a victorious nation unconditionally surrendered, withdrawn precipitously, and left behind all of there weapons so that their vanquished foe could rearm. When the history of these times is written Joe Biden will be hailed as one of the biggest fools to ever lead a powerful nation.

Biden’s betrayal of the Afghans completely destroyed America’s standing in the world. Our Allies no longer trust us and our enemies no longer fear us. Biden’s energy policies have driven up oil prices and made room in the world market for Russian and Iranian oil to fund their aggression. Without America as a strong, stabilizing force, the world is at the mercy of tyrants and those who would be tyrants. Rush Limbaugh used to say that “world events were driven by the aggressive use of force”. Those willing to do so have nothing to fear from Biden’s America. We’re not even a “paper tiger” anymore – we’re just a joke, but millions of people around the world are suffering and dying because this government has turned its back on our responsibilities to the world.

Theses are just what this writer sees as the worst transgressions of this administration, but it is not a complete list. The administration’s fanaticism with green energy and forced social engineering is splintering our society and causing devastating social unrest. The blatant disregard for laws and accepted norms makes the divisions in our society worse. Nothing, absolutely nothing that tis government has done since January of 2021 has improved the lives of any Americans. Our government, our economy, our safety, and very way of life are being threatened every day that this government remains in power. It will take years to undo the damage that Biden and his minions have done.

The hopeless, hapless, incompetent, corrupt, and senile Biden does not bear all of the responsibility for all of mess that he has created. Congress has completely abrogated its oversight responsibilities. Regardless of party affiliation any congressman or senator who has supported this administration needs to be voted out of office. Our government is supposed to serve the American people, not to rule us. And this administration is all about ruling and not interested in serving.

So, maybe “this is the most important election in our lifetime”. Our nation cannot endure another 4 years of what we have gone through in the last 3 ½ years. Four more years of this and the world will be engulfed in war, our society will be a splintered mess, our cities will be totally over run by crime, and te cost of living will be beyond the reach of the average American. But, it is not enough just to vote Biden out of office. We need to vote out every congressman and senator who supports any part of the progressive, Biden agenda, regardless of party affiliation. The fate of America as we have known it hangs in the balance.