Monday, June 28, 2021

We don’t care how you get your jollies! Ain’t none of our business!

 The lunacy of the “progressive” Left never ceases to amaze me.  Some of their demands are incredibly stupid; but all of their ideas and demands are designed to destroy the established social order in the Judeo – Christian world.  Their ceaseless, insipid, idiotic demands come from a logic that’s so twisted it makes a pretzel look straight.  But, damn the reality, full speed ahead into a dystopian nightmare of Orwellian proportions.

The wholesale attack on “gender identity” simply blows my mind.  I thought that the Congressman who ended the invocation at the opening of the House of Representatives in January by saying “Amen and A woman” was the height of “gender identity” nonsense.  Oh my! Was I mistaken!  It is a statement to the poor quality of education in the United States when a Congressman – oops! Congress PERSON – does not know that “amen” means “so be it”.  “Amen” has nothing to do with human sex genetic differences.

Speaking of which, let’s cast a little bit of downhome common sense on this discussion.  In nature, among the higher orders of animals, there are 2 – count them – 2 sexes.  There are males – who provide ½ the genes – and there are female – who provide the other half of the genes and who produces the offspring.  The X-Y chromosome combination determines the sex of the off spring, with female having an XX sequence and males having the XY combination.  THE SEX – MALE OR FEMALE ONLY – IS DETERMINED AT CONCEPTION.  IT IS NATURAL, PERMANENT AND INALTERABLE.  Nothing, not even “gender reassignment surgery” can change whether one is male or female.  It simply is what it is.

“Progressive” liberal education has so dumbed down the population that supposedly educated people are incapable of understanding long established word definitions and are using well – defined words inaccurately – for totally unfathomable reasons.  The “progressive liberals” are running around claiming that there are some 50 or more genders.  This thinker has a problem with this.  According to Merriam – Webster one of the definitions of “gender” is “the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex.” 

“Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away” we used to learn the definitions of words and we were, at least exposed to logical reasoning.  Please, let us pretend that we are still in that time and place and let us look at “sex” and “gender” from a defined, logical perspective.  Science – not to be confused with the CDC, the WHO, and the Nazi Dr. Fauci kind of science – proves that there are 2 sexes in the human species.  If, gender, by definition is “behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits associated with one sex” – then, logically, there CAN ONLY BE 2 GENDERS!  Basic logic and fundamental mathematics clearly show “the transitive property of equality": If a=b, and b=c, then a=c.

It is sad that people do not understand that all of the other “labels” that they want to be “genders” are not “genders”.  They are, quite simply, descriptions of sexual preferences.  And here’s the deal for all of you who want to boast about your “sexual preference”. 

Listen, now this important. 
We don’t care how you get your jollies!  Ain’ none of our business!

I miss the time when people had enough class and decorum to keep their private lives private.  There is no need to be concerned about anyone’s sexual preferences except your own and your partner’s.  We don’t want to know what rocks your world.  You’re not “brave”, or “special”, nor “edgy” for proclaiming your sexual preferences.  You’re just boorish, classless, and trashy.  You don’t deserve special treatment for your particular alteration of sexual preference from its original course, meaning, or state to a distortion of what was first intended.

 Let’s Circle Back and wrap this up.  There are 2 sexes in the human species.  By definition, there are only 2 genders in the human condition.  Your sexual preference is none of my business and mine is none of your business.  Treat people the way you want to be treated.  Accept and tolerate folks who are different from you and may not like you.

 Some of us deal with people that don’t like us every day, even though I am eminently likeable!!