Thursday, April 1, 2021

Don't Pee on Me and Tell Me to be Thankful for the Rain

 I have been skeptical of the China virus “pandemic” from the very start.  My skepticism did not spring full – blown in the spring of 2020. Oh, no!  It has been growing steadily over the last half – century as I’ve watched the politicization of science.  What once had seemed to be the pure pursuit of Truth has become nothing more than researchers whoring after research money, willing to “find” and report whatever their sponsors want them to find and report.  The search for Truth has become a quest for approval by the Ruling class, and has tainted every aspect of science.  This fawning need for the Masters’ approval has spread into American medicine as well – to the point where physicians are enforcing the idiotic mask mandates even though they know that viruses as too little to be filtered by cloth or fabric masks.

I am at a point in my life where I no longer believe anything that any politician says, anything that I see or read in the news, anything that any “scientist” says, and I have now added doctors to that list of sectarian ideologic prostitutes.  It is a sad time when we can no longer have any faith in those who we trust with our well-being.

My natural skepticism bloomed when none of the fascist dictatorial governors, nor their propagandists in the news condemned the riots last summer as being super spreaders events, while condemning Trump rallies.  I was amazed when our governor Tom Wolf was caught on an open mic referring to masks as “political theater” and nobody in the news media said crap to a cuckoo bird about it.  A year ago, the always over rated political hack Dr Anthony Fauci said that Americans don’t need to wear masks and now he advocates wearing 2 masks. I was born at night, but it wasn’t last night.

The total lock on my skepticism is the open border policy and the current invasion of America by illegal migrants.  On one hand, governments are continuing their chokehold on our liberties and economy to “protect” us from the China virus, while on the other hand they are letting untold thousands of untested people from around the world flood across our Southern border. While several fascist governors and the Vegetable in the White House are planning digital “virus passports” to track our movements, tens of thousands of people that we know nothing about are sweeping across our nation.

How serious is the government about protecting public health when they are allowing the unvetted thousands flow across the border?  You cannot justify the government’s position on open borders and mandatory China virus control.

Don’t pee on me and tell me I should be thankful for the rain.