Quietly, with very little fanfare and absolutely no coverage in the mainstream news media, the Centers for Disease Control released “new” information on American Covid 19 deaths. The CDC reported that of the 161, 392 deaths covered in the report, only 6%, or 9,684, had only Covid listed as a cause of death. The other 94% had, on average 2.6 other diseases listed as “comorbidities”. It is fair to assume that in most cases one or more of the 2.6 “comorbidities” predated the Covid, resulting in weakened immune systems, making contracting the Covid more likely. Taking the CDC report at its face value, any thinking person must wonder why we’re still acting like this thing is the “black death”?
People who were paying attention questioned the death toll numbers after about two weeks of the constant reporting. “Experts” warned that New York City would need 50,000 ventilators and thousands of additional hospital beds. President Trump used war time powers to force manufacturers to produce ventilators. He sent the Army Corps of Engineers to New York to build field hospitals in Central Park and to convert the Javits Convention Center into a medical facility. To meet the projections of the “experts”. The President also sent the US Navy hospital ship “Comfort” to NY. All told, the Government added nearly 5,000 beds to the city’s treatment capacity. Doctors stopped seeing non – Covid patients and stopped doing all but life essential emergency surgeries. The entire nation’s health care system poised, primed to treat the hundreds of thousands of expected China virus victims.
All that planning and preparation and the hundreds of thousands of dying people failed to materialize.
The Comfort staff only treated 182 patients before the Navy recalled her. By mid – April, the City and the Federal government cancelled the construction of the field hospitals. The tsunami of deathly ill Covid patients never materialized. Hospital beds stood empty; tens of thousands of ventilators waited – before the “Wizards of Smart” realized that ventilators killed more than they helped. Hospitals around the country were laying off nurses, technicians and doctors because there were no patients.
Thinking people couldn’t help but begin to wonder what was going on. Logic and common sense told those of us who were listening that something very odd was going on with these numbers. Bear in mind that in March and April, while the nation waited the coming horror, the only health guidance had given us was stay away from crowds, stay home if you don’t feel good, cover your coughs and sneezes, wash your hands, and use hand sanitizer. Somehow, the experts got it wrong and the China virus did not crush the nation’s healthcare system.
Soon, dozens of county coroners around the country went public complaining that the States were inflating the death counts. Like this past weekend’s revision in the CDC numbers, the mainstream news media ignored the coroners’ complaints. But thinking people couldn’t help but wonder.
Remember, if you can, back on the 13th of March when President Trump declared a national emergency and asked for our patience for “15 days” to “flatten the curve”. Looking back 172 days now, there wasn’t ever a curve that we needed to flatten.
I am fighting the urge to let my rage and sarcasm have full sway here, but there are some valid things that I want to say. Part of me just wants to unload the gallows humor, the harsh verbal slings, the zippy one-liners guaranteed to enrage a huge chunk of people, but I’d rather have my Faithful Readers give some serious thought to the words that I am writing.
Nothing happens in a vacuum. People, and therefore by extension, organizations take actions for reasons, or motives, or for some expected gain. There was a reason that the statisticians at CDC and the various state Health Departments chose to report the deaths this way. They didn’t just flip a coin, there was a reason, motive, or expectation of gain in the decisions to report deaths “with” rather than simply report deaths “by” Covid 19. The results of this method of reporting led to a series of bad decisions by a host of governors and others in authority.
One can never make good decisions if all the information one has is flawed. Consider, if you will, the route that information about the Covid infection took to get to CDC and the governors of our sovereign states. The outbreak began deep in the heartland of China. The Chinese government controls the news media with an iron fist. China also refused to let foreign medical people travel to Wuhan to see conditions for themselves. We truly do not know how serious the Covid was in Wuhan or in other parts of China. We have no way of knowing just how accurate the information coming out of China was.
We must not forget that the Chinese government was not pleased with President Trump and the United States during the last half of 2019. Trump had come down hard on the Chinese during trade negotiations, taking back significant giveaways that previous US administrations had awarded to China. At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist, is it possible that China hyped the severity of the epidemic, hoping to disrupt the American economy? Stranger things have happened.
Nor can we know with any certitude if the World Heath Organization truthfully and accurately analyzed and reported their data to the rest of the world. Remember, there is always a reason why an organization chooses to do something. I am sure that many of us want to believe that the UN and the WHO are only interested in what is best for all of us, but the reality is that the people who make up the UN and the World Health Organization are PEOPLE and can be driven by less than honorable motives. We cannot assume, considering the long-standing anti-American attitudes in the United Nations, how well-intentioned guidelines coming out of the WHO might not have been.
It is possible, more possible than not, that China brought pressure on the leaders of the WHO to do their bidding with regards to hyping the virus. It is very possible, that China “bought” the Director – General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus to help in their disinformation campaign against the United States. “Honorable” men have been bought throughout the history of the world. There are a very, very few men who cannot be bought.
I write these paragraphs to suggest that our own CDC MAY have been working with very inaccurate data in the beginning. It is very likely that the Chinese and the WHO had supplied bad data, and the CDC accepted it as being valid. It is likely, that CDC over estimated both the transmissibility and severity of the virus. It is almost a certainty that the information that our CDC had was faulty, at best, fraudulent at the worst.
One of the most difficult things for anyone – and therefore by extension, any organization to do – is to admit they are wrong. Once the President asked for the 15 day “quarantine”, CDC could not, or would not, admit that they were wrong. Perhaps they took the “in for a penny, in for a pound” approach.
There is, also, the very real possibility that some of the decision makers within the CDC willingly went along with the disinformation campaign to hurt the President’s chances of re-election. The “Deep State” is real and reaches into all levels of the Governments. It doesn’t really matter, though, what caused China, WHO, and CDC to do what they did. The result, considering that less than 10,000 people in America have died from Covid 19 alone, has been catastrophic.
Perhaps it needs an essay of its own, but the complicity of the main stream news media to question and investigate the death counts is the saddest part of this whole ordeal. Real journalists, real news hounds, would have started digging around back in April when New York City was not hit as hard as the experts projected. Real journalists would have tried to find the truth. Our current news stooges are content to parrot the Democrat Party talking points trying to destroy the president. the vaunted “4th Estate” has fallen so far from the days of Watergate. Back then, they brought down a president – now they are political lapdogs for the Democrats.
It has become one of my fondest hopes that the whole Covid-19 hoax will someday be exposed. I’m not counting on it.