Presidential election has generated more anger and angst and, yes,
violence than any other in my lifetime. I find it amazing that the
Progressives, the radicals, the “wanna be in the cool kids club”
and others have become so unhinged, so deranged at the Trump
I am not a Trumpeter and never have been. He was not my first, nor second, nor third choice in the very wide, deep and highly qualified Republican field. I spent my formative years in New Jersey and Mr. Trump reminds me of a lot of the kids I was in high school with. I didn’t like a lot of those guys then and I really don’t care for Mr. Trump now. But, there may be very good reasons to support and to vote for Mr. Trump.
can look at the situation in the United States and in the world and
get the unpleasant feeling that things are not going well for
America. The world is aflame with radical Islamic violence. Our
nation is aflame with attacks on police officers and rioting every
time a cop uses a gun. There are 94 million Americans without work.
And, our government is allowing unrestricted entry into our country.
The economy is not growing and the government is borrowing ever more
money that someday will have to be paid back. Many Americans may
feel that things are spinning out of control and that someone must
take hold of the reins before it is way too late.
Let us consider the candidates position on immigration. Mrs. Clinton claims to be in favor of border security, but her party (and the Washington Republicans) have proven that they will not enforce the border. Mrs. Clinton favors amnesty for illegals; full citizenship, rights and benefits for people who broke our laws to get here. Mr. Trump claims to favor building a border wall, enforcing existing laws and removing criminal immigrants.
There may be several really good reasons for supporting Trump’s position on immigration. Consider that there are already 94 million Americans without jobs. It does not make sense to bring more people into a country with no jobs. Common sense, here, please. One can favor immigration control without being a “racist”. In fact, calling Trump Deplorables “racist” keeps Progressives from having to engage in meaningful dialog, defending their indefensible position.
Consider, for a moment, the candidates positions on taxes. Mrs Clinton wants “the 1 percent” and corporations to pay more taxes. Half of Americans already pay no income tax at all. The top 1 percent of earners pay over 35% of all income taxes. When is enough enough? The average corporate income tax (federal and state) is 39% in the US. Ireland, on the other hand, taxes corporations at 15%. There are economic laws that are as immutable as the law of gravity: and one of these is that money goes where taxes are lower.
Mr. Trump wants to cut income taxes, corporate taxes and the estate tax. The Progressives, the radicals, the “wanna be in the cool kids club” wail about cutting taxes on the rich. Hey! Poor folks don’t pay income tax! History is clear on this, whenever a government cuts taxes, revenue to the government increases. Queen Victoria cut taxes in the British Empire and her reign became the Golden Age of Empire. President Warren Harding cut income taxes in the 1920s and the result was the great economic expansion known as the “Roaring 20s”. John Kennedy cut income taxes in the 1960s and the resulting revenue flood allowed LBJ to fund both the Viet Nam war and the Great Society socialist programs. President Reagan cut taxes and the county enjoyed a 20 year economic boom.
Those who forget history are damned to repeat it. Facts is facts, and cutting taxes spurs economic growth.
If one considers American foreign policy under the Obama presidency, one might seriously think that there is a need for change. After 8 years of Progressive control, American foreign policy is in shambles. Russia and China are tweaking the US with impunity. The world is aflame with Moslem violence, one group of murderous Moslem thugs have even gone so far as to have established a “caliphate” in territory they captured from US and its allies in Syria and Iraq. Mrs. Clinton was one of the architects of the Obama foreign policy. Mr. Obama himself has said that he does not want to talk about “defeating” an enemy as that just leads to further conflict. Current Secretary of State, John Kerry claims that man made “climate change” is a greater threat than Moslem violence. Lunacy is rampant in this administration and Mrs. Clinton is part of it all and would simply continue the lunacy..
Mrs. Clinton become President, there is no reason to think that she
would change the current course at all. Many Americans believe that
Mr. Trump would, at a minimum, put American interests ahead of those
of other nations and peoples. That would be a major foreign policy
change. Foreign leaders know that they can bully, or buy, Mrs.
Clinton. That would be a bad thing.
Voters can consider personalities, but I think that is rather childish. Mr. Trump is a potty mouth, blow hard, braggart who can be annoying, but we are voting for President not for Preacher. Mrs. Clinton is no saint, either. If one reads the things that her security people have written over the years, Mrs. Clinton has a mouth just a bad as Trump’s. One can question Donald Trump’s business ethics, but there is no shortage of ethical questions surrounding Hillary Clinton. Voters need to focus on issues in this election.
I think voters need to consider the questions surrounding Mrs.
Clinton and her fund raising. It truly appears that Mrs. Clinton
favored nations and individuals who contributed to their so-called
charity. If I may interject a personal thought here, I truly believe
that every decision Mrs. Clinton would make would favor who ever paid
her the most. Should she be elected, I truly believe that we will
see the end of the Republic.
With Mrs. Clinton in the Oval Office,
the Empire will truly be for sale.