Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Dumbest Dog I Have Ever Owned Taught Me a Lesson

Scotty is our 8 year old Maltese dog. Scotty is a good dog, he's extremely loving and loveable, but he is without a doubt the dumbest dog I have ever owned. He seems to be completely un trainable, except for being housebroken. He doesn't know or do any tricks except to dance around on his hind legs when he wants attention. He's not much of a watchdog, relying on Blue, the Dachshund, to tell him when it is time to bark. And, he's spoiled, insisting on being lifted onto the bed instead of jumping on the trunk at the foot of the bed and then up onto the bed. But for all of his intelligence shortcomings, Scotty showed me something profound the other day.

I have my alarm set for 5:30 AM. That gives me a little time to drink coffee, read the headlines on the Internet and get to the gym before someone else takes the Octane bicycle. Scotty and Blue tend to pretend that they don't hear the alarm and stay in bed until it is obvious that I am not coming back. I usually miss them waking up.

Sunday mornings I don't tend to get up that early. I can “sleep in” until 7:30 and still make it to Sunday School or Church depending on which way I turn when leaving the driveway. This past Sunday, I was awake and just laying in bed enjoying the warmth and knowing it was cold as winter out side. (Seeing as how it is winter!) As a result, I was there to watch Scotty wake up.

Scotty started his morning by lifting his head and rolling up to onto his tummy. He looked around the room, studying his “den” to make sure all was well. Or, trying to remember where he was, as I have said, he is not the brightest canine in the world.

Suddenly, he jumped to his feet and began to wag his tail and wiggle his whole little doggie body in paroxysms of pure joy. He came over and began licking my face and tapping at me with his front paws. The dog was just absolutely overcome with the joy of just being.

The joy of just being.

The joy of just being! What a wonderful way to start the day! How can I learn to wake up like the dog and sing in my heart, “This is the day the Lord has made, Let us rejoice and be glad in it!” Can I learn to wake up each morning with just joy and love and happiness in my heart? How can the dog feel such joy while I have to look for it?

The dog is not burdened with human thoughts and human wants. He is creature of nature, simply one of God's creatures in God's world. The dog does not worry about what kind of a house he lives in as long as his “pack” is there together. Scotty doesn't care what kind of car he rides in as long as he is riding with his people. He doesn't care what kind of clothes his people wear as long as we are here for him to love and to love him back.

And to feed him twice a day. He is pretty insistent on that.

I saw it there Sunday morning. That dumb, simple dog waking up just joyous and happy and in love with life itself. That is how I should start each day. I should start the day with joy and thanksgiving and let the aches and pains and worries take a far distant second place to the joy of being alive. I have to take a lesson from Scotty the dog, life is good, and we should celebrate each day as a gift from God, endless with possibilities. So easy, so simple; just greet each day with joy, love of life and a spirit of thanksgiving.

Thank you, Scotty. Maybe you are smarter than I think you are.