Monday, April 22, 2024

The Most Ancient Hatred


I am baffled and amazed by the complete numb-minded support that so many people have for the Palestinians. Moslems supporting the Palestinians is to be expected; as their hatred of the Jews is a tenant of their “religion” and goes all the way back to Abraham at the beginning of Jewish history. 

“And, the Lord God said to Hagar, ‘Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the LORD hath heard thy affliction. And he will be a wild ass of a man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him . . .’” (Gen 16:11-12) 

The Lord God chose Issac, Abraham’s second son, over Ishmael the first-born, to be the Father of His chosen people, the Jews. And, there has been no peace in that part of the world since then. Destroying Israel and annihilating the Jews are foundational tenets of the Moslem “religion”.

Non-Moslem support for the Palestinians stems from either a willful ignorance of history, a mindless acceptance of Marxism, or deep-rooted hatred of the Jews. Thoughtful, intelligent people capable of independent thinking cannot support the Palestinian cause, which is based on driving all of the Jews out of Israel.

Ignorance of history can lead some to believe that Israel is in the wrong. Those who know the history of the region, know that Israel gave the Palestinians the ability to create a “government” for the Gaza Strip and portions of the West Bank in 1994. The Palestinian Authority was intended to give the Palestinians a framework to develop a true Palestinian state. Hamas, a Moslem terrorist group won electionsin 2004, setting off a 3 year civil war. Hamas gained total control of the Gaza Strip in 2007 and began their terrorism campaign against Israel. Israel has endured 17 years of bombings, terrorist attacks, and missile launches by Hamas in Gaza. These attacks came to a head on October 7, 2023, when Hamas launched a series of raids across Israel killing and raping and taking more than100 hostages. Israel’s attack on Gaza is in retaliation for the Oct 7 attacks and for 17 years of violence against the Israeli people.

Every nation has the right to defend its people from foreign and domestic attacks. That is one of the few legitimate roles of government.  I doubt that many of the pro-Palestinian supporters would be pleased if their neighborhood was bombed by another nation and our government just let it ride. Ignorance of the history and realities is absolutely essential if one supports the Palestinians in this current conflict.

The pro-Palestinian shills condemn Israel for destroying hospitals in Gaza and creating a “humanitarian crisi”. Hamas used civilian hospitals as arsenals and command and control centers for their terrorist campaign. A nation cannot win a war without destroying the enemy’s weapons and communications ability. The enemy chooses where he stores his weapons. Civilized nations do not put their arsenals and weapons in civilian areas. Civilized nations try to limit civilian deaths in conflicts. Barbarians put civilians in harm’s way. Ruthless barbarians use civilians as human shields.

Yes, there are civilian deaths in the Gaza war.  And, yes, there is a humanitarian crisis. But, the entire responsibility rest solely with the Hamas terrorists. The terrorists wove their fighters and weaponry tightly throughout the civilian population of Gaza, thereby guaranteeing massive civilian casualties when Israel finally did attack. In a vicious, calculated plan to either prevent Isreal from attacking, or to try to influence public opinion against Israel,  Hamas used the entire population of Gaza as blood sacrifices in the “holy war” against the Jews. It is not Israel that is conducting genocide against the Gazans; it is Hamas. 

I said earlier that mindless, thoughtless acceptance of Marxism was another reason that many Americans support Hamas, although they claim to support the Gazans. Americans have become extraordinarily lazy mentally. That is the lure of Marxism; one need not think about right or wrong, just or unjust, one only needs to “know” who the “oppressors” are. Marxism simplifies this too.  “White” is always the “oppressor”, brown is always the “oppressed”, regaedless of the situation. In the case of the Jews and the Gazans, both of which are brown skinned, Semitic people,  Marxism provides another solution that does not require the expenditure of any mental energy. The US always supports the bad guys. Therefore, in this present crisis, Israel is the “evil”.

Marxism is such a crutch for people who are too stupid or too lazy to think for themselves, but who want to appear “woke” and oh! so sophisticated!!

While the thinking part of me truly wants to blame ignorance of history and stupid, unquestioning Marxism for the anti – Israeli, a deeper, older part of me knows the real reason, and it is darker, uglier, and more destructive even than Marxism. I believe through observation guided by experience, that there is a deep seated bias in most non-Jews against Jews. The Jews have been a separate people since the beginning of history. Regardless of the atrocities committed upon them, they refuse to be destroyed, they refuse to be assimilated, they refuse to forsake their God. 

The mistrust and fear of the Jews is older than the history of mankind. It is deeply ingrained in cultures around the world. Forcibly removed from Israel, first by the Assyrians, then by the Babylonians, by the Greeks and Macedonians, and lastly by the Romans, the Jews return to Israel again and again. Even the Holocaust in which the Nazis killed 6 million of Europe’s 9.5 million Jews could not destroy them. No matter how many generations, how many centuries they are dispersed, they hold onto their culture, their language, their religion, and their God. Even when they seem to assimilate, they remain distinct and unique from those around them – they remain Jewish. Their difference, their resiliency, their unwavering faith threatens what others understand. They have been “strangers in a strange land” for 3,000 years, but remain true to themselves. No other prejudice is as deeply held as the prejudice against the Jews.

While we “boomers” embraced Dr. King’s ideal of judging people by the “content of their character” not by the “color of their skin” and worked tirelessly to overcome our racial prejudices, anti-Semitism always simmered just below the surface. And after 20 years of our political “leaders” driving wedges between races, religions, ans political beliefs, the atmosphere in America is ripe for anti-Semitism to once again rear its ugly head. It has not taken long for the ancient ugliness to become manifest given the conflict and the barrage of anti-Israeli news coverage. At the root of all of the Palestinian support – whether from ignorance of history, Marxism, lies the ugly reality of anti-Semitism and an inbred hatred of the Jews.

Saturday, April 1, 2023

They Did Not Indict Trump - They Indicted Us

The TV talking heads are missing the main point in the indictment of President Trump.  While it is historic that a former president and leader of the opposition party has been arrested on “trumped up” charges, the real story is that this is part of a political party’s move to seize total power in the United States and impose a single party dictatorship. President Trumps indictment is not a fee-standing assault, rather it is the only the most recent – and most outrageous – attack on the “enemies of the State”.

The working thesis here, in case you missed it, is that the Democratic Party is actively trying to create a one-party dictatorship in the United States. Unlike Nazi Germany there is not a charismatic single person leading the movement, rather, it is an organized political party. There has been a long-standing campaign against people who oppose the Democratic Party.

Future historians – assuming there will be a place and time where there will be academic freedom – will debate when this “coup d'é·tat” began. The Democrats began using “politics of personal destruction” in the 1964 presidential election campaign. They honed and perfected it with the Judge Bork and Judge Clarence Thomas hearings. Somewhere over the years, the “win at any cost” approach became a method of warning people not to run against the Democrats and not to accept nominations from Republican presidents and then morphed into the coup.

My thinking is that up until George Soros became involved in American politics the Democrats  were primarily interested in just winning elections for the power and the money that power accrues. But Soros and his money brought with it an ideological change that was likely the true beginning of the Democrats’ march to seize the government.

The Soros funded Center for American Progress spent millions in the 2004 presidential election to defeat George W. Bush. Bush was hardly a threat to the established order, but he was not the easily swayed radical that Democratic candidate John Kerry was. Kerry is the kind of hack who will do whatever his financiers tell him to do.

The Center for American Progress spent millions in support of Barack Obama and I think that it was during that the simple lust for power and money became an organized, albeit loosely, drive to seize total control of the government.

The late Rush Limbaugh used to say that the Obama government was “governing against the will of the people”. While most of that which Obama accomplished was approved by hard-core Progressives, the entire tone and tenor of his years as president was socially and politically divisive. It was no longer enough to just disagree politically, those disagreements had to become social and political enmities and those enemies had to be destroyed. Americans had worked hard to build a tolerant, peaceful society for the previous 40 years following the social upheaval of the 1960s and 70s.  Prompted and led by the Obama White House, the Progressives moved from rhetoric to violence and after 8 years of Obama, American society is hardly recognizable.

If the Obama administration “governed against the will of the people”, the Biden administration seems hell bent on destroying the country. Everything they have done is harmful to Americans: the totally out of control spending, the unconditional surrender to the Taliban and retreat from a peaceful Afghanistan, the increasing taxes, sexualizing children, putting “climate” issues first in all matters – EVERYTHING.

But to what end? And what is the next phase in the “coup d'é·tat? Those are unanswerable questions right now.

All of this background is essential to understanding why President Trump was indicted. President Trump committed the unpardonable – he openly challenged the establishment and he woke a sleeping giant, the patriotic Americans. He represents the greatest threat to ever arise against the Democrats coup. He represents patriotic Americans.  And they are the real “enemies of the state”, Trump is just the symbol.

The Democrats believe that the only way to break the patriots is to destroy Donald Trump. They also think that this persecution will prevent anyone else from ever challenging their hegemony again.  Short of outlawing opposition parties, they think that the total destruction of opposition leaders is their best option for ending the resistance. They think that once Trump is gone, no one will stand in their way of seizing total control of the American government.

This public spectacle is designed to humiliate and crush Mr. Trump  and the patriots once and for all. There is a better chance that it will backfire and galvanize the patriot resistance. The next question may be the most important one – when will the patriots become Rebels?






Tuesday, December 21, 2021

The Three Boxes of Liberty

 I find it interesting that as we move into the election year 2022 that the news media and a handful of fascist, Democrat Governors, mayor, and “medical” politician types are hyping up the Covid threat.  Once again, the propaganda tool of the fascists, the main stream media, is lap dogging for the Fascists, ginning up as much fear and division as they can.  After all, a society split into fighting factions and whiplashed by fear for 2 years is easier to manipulate than a unified angry nation.

Oh, and we should most definitely be unified and angry.  Never in the history of our nation has our government so blatantly thrashed our Constitutional Rights: and never in the history of our nation have so many people been so willing to surrender their Rights.  The Federal and State governments are trampling our First, Fourth, and Ninth Amendment Rights and about half of us don’t care.

We should be angry at the actions of the President since his inauguration.  His Executive Orders have driven the price of gas to an all time high, he orchestrated the most humiliating military defeat and surrender in human history, his refusal to enforce existing laws has led to an unprecedented invasion through our Southern border, his domestic policies are giving us inflation like we have never seen before, and mayor and Prosecutors in his party are allowing the worst crime wave in our history.  Oh, there’s plenty for Americans to be unified and angry about.

Consider, if you can, a victorious army occupying a defeated, largely peaceful country.  The occupying army had not had a casualty in 18 months. With no warning, no consultation with Allies, no agreement with the force that will take over, the occupying army abandons all their positions, leaving all military equipment in place and simply evacuates and abandons the country.  Never in military history has ay leader done this.  More American servicemen died in the rout, retreat, and surrender than the enemy killed in a year and a half.  We should be unified and angry.

But what dominates the propaganda main stream news?  Covid this and Omicron that.  News caster after news caster rings the never-ending bell – highest number of cases, hospitals over run, unprecedented CRISIS.  I think of Chicken Little and his cry of “the sky is falling”!  Calm, considered research shows that Omicron is not deadly, is not severe, and has few symptoms.  In a sane world, we would be celebrating the evolution of the virus from unknown danger to little more than the common cold.  But this is hardly a sane world anymore.

None of this really makes any sense, unless you understand the first sentence of this essay.  We are moving into an election year and with the complete failure of the Biden administration, Democrats are facing a defeat of epic proportions in the elections in 2022.  Their only hope is to force the entire nation into another lockdown so they can rig the elections like they did in 2020.they are ramping up the fear campaign almost a year before elections.  Liberal cities and states are leading the way with new controls, mandates, and lockdowns.  Union run government schools are closing again to set up conditions for a complete lockdown later this year. 

Once the fear level gets high enough Democrat run states will implement all sorts of “new” ways to vote so that people don’t have to vote in person.  There will be fraud and over voting and all kinds of shenanigans to save as many Democrat seats as possible.  And, there is a good chance that they will get away with it because the media will gin up the fear hysteria and the mind numbed public will demand “safety” over honest elections.

It is going to be up to the citizens to insure free and accountable elections.  Liberty loving Americans are going to have to use mass civil disobedience to force fascist Democrats to hold clean elections.  There can be no mailed in votes, no ballot harvesting and citizens MUST take the day and watch the polls – from the time they open until the time the ballots are delivered to the Board of elections.  Poll watchers need to count the number of people who vote in person.  They must have the Judge of Elections report on the number of absentee votes.  Better yet, volunteer to work the polls and make sure it’s an accurate vote.

We cannot rely on elected officials to defend the Constitution and our God given Liberties.  We must be ready to defend them ourselves.  It will be easier to protect them, than to win them back.  We have 2 boxes to use to defend our Liberties – the soap box and the ballot box.  There’s only one box to use to win them back – the bullet box.  Let’s completely exhaust the first 2 so that we don’t have to reach for the third.

Monday, June 28, 2021

We don’t care how you get your jollies! Ain’t none of our business!

 The lunacy of the “progressive” Left never ceases to amaze me.  Some of their demands are incredibly stupid; but all of their ideas and demands are designed to destroy the established social order in the Judeo – Christian world.  Their ceaseless, insipid, idiotic demands come from a logic that’s so twisted it makes a pretzel look straight.  But, damn the reality, full speed ahead into a dystopian nightmare of Orwellian proportions.

The wholesale attack on “gender identity” simply blows my mind.  I thought that the Congressman who ended the invocation at the opening of the House of Representatives in January by saying “Amen and A woman” was the height of “gender identity” nonsense.  Oh my! Was I mistaken!  It is a statement to the poor quality of education in the United States when a Congressman – oops! Congress PERSON – does not know that “amen” means “so be it”.  “Amen” has nothing to do with human sex genetic differences.

Speaking of which, let’s cast a little bit of downhome common sense on this discussion.  In nature, among the higher orders of animals, there are 2 – count them – 2 sexes.  There are males – who provide ½ the genes – and there are female – who provide the other half of the genes and who produces the offspring.  The X-Y chromosome combination determines the sex of the off spring, with female having an XX sequence and males having the XY combination.  THE SEX – MALE OR FEMALE ONLY – IS DETERMINED AT CONCEPTION.  IT IS NATURAL, PERMANENT AND INALTERABLE.  Nothing, not even “gender reassignment surgery” can change whether one is male or female.  It simply is what it is.

“Progressive” liberal education has so dumbed down the population that supposedly educated people are incapable of understanding long established word definitions and are using well – defined words inaccurately – for totally unfathomable reasons.  The “progressive liberals” are running around claiming that there are some 50 or more genders.  This thinker has a problem with this.  According to Merriam – Webster one of the definitions of “gender” is “the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex.” 

“Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away” we used to learn the definitions of words and we were, at least exposed to logical reasoning.  Please, let us pretend that we are still in that time and place and let us look at “sex” and “gender” from a defined, logical perspective.  Science – not to be confused with the CDC, the WHO, and the Nazi Dr. Fauci kind of science – proves that there are 2 sexes in the human species.  If, gender, by definition is “behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits associated with one sex” – then, logically, there CAN ONLY BE 2 GENDERS!  Basic logic and fundamental mathematics clearly show “the transitive property of equality": If a=b, and b=c, then a=c.

It is sad that people do not understand that all of the other “labels” that they want to be “genders” are not “genders”.  They are, quite simply, descriptions of sexual preferences.  And here’s the deal for all of you who want to boast about your “sexual preference”. 

Listen, now this important. 
We don’t care how you get your jollies!  Ain’ none of our business!

I miss the time when people had enough class and decorum to keep their private lives private.  There is no need to be concerned about anyone’s sexual preferences except your own and your partner’s.  We don’t want to know what rocks your world.  You’re not “brave”, or “special”, nor “edgy” for proclaiming your sexual preferences.  You’re just boorish, classless, and trashy.  You don’t deserve special treatment for your particular alteration of sexual preference from its original course, meaning, or state to a distortion of what was first intended.

 Let’s Circle Back and wrap this up.  There are 2 sexes in the human species.  By definition, there are only 2 genders in the human condition.  Your sexual preference is none of my business and mine is none of your business.  Treat people the way you want to be treated.  Accept and tolerate folks who are different from you and may not like you.

 Some of us deal with people that don’t like us every day, even though I am eminently likeable!!

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Don't Pee on Me and Tell Me to be Thankful for the Rain

 I have been skeptical of the China virus “pandemic” from the very start.  My skepticism did not spring full – blown in the spring of 2020. Oh, no!  It has been growing steadily over the last half – century as I’ve watched the politicization of science.  What once had seemed to be the pure pursuit of Truth has become nothing more than researchers whoring after research money, willing to “find” and report whatever their sponsors want them to find and report.  The search for Truth has become a quest for approval by the Ruling class, and has tainted every aspect of science.  This fawning need for the Masters’ approval has spread into American medicine as well – to the point where physicians are enforcing the idiotic mask mandates even though they know that viruses as too little to be filtered by cloth or fabric masks.

I am at a point in my life where I no longer believe anything that any politician says, anything that I see or read in the news, anything that any “scientist” says, and I have now added doctors to that list of sectarian ideologic prostitutes.  It is a sad time when we can no longer have any faith in those who we trust with our well-being.

My natural skepticism bloomed when none of the fascist dictatorial governors, nor their propagandists in the news condemned the riots last summer as being super spreaders events, while condemning Trump rallies.  I was amazed when our governor Tom Wolf was caught on an open mic referring to masks as “political theater” and nobody in the news media said crap to a cuckoo bird about it.  A year ago, the always over rated political hack Dr Anthony Fauci said that Americans don’t need to wear masks and now he advocates wearing 2 masks. I was born at night, but it wasn’t last night.

The total lock on my skepticism is the open border policy and the current invasion of America by illegal migrants.  On one hand, governments are continuing their chokehold on our liberties and economy to “protect” us from the China virus, while on the other hand they are letting untold thousands of untested people from around the world flood across our Southern border. While several fascist governors and the Vegetable in the White House are planning digital “virus passports” to track our movements, tens of thousands of people that we know nothing about are sweeping across our nation.

How serious is the government about protecting public health when they are allowing the unvetted thousands flow across the border?  You cannot justify the government’s position on open borders and mandatory China virus control.

Don’t pee on me and tell me I should be thankful for the rain.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Poor Rip Van Winkle!



Sometimes I think that I relate the most to the legendary character Rip Van Winkle who fell into a magically tinged drunken stupor to awaken 20 years later in a completely different world.  When I read news and current events articles, or watch TV I really feel like a man who has been comatose for half a lifetime.  I truly don’t recognize the world around me anymore.

The truly amazing thing about the self-proclaimed “progressive” is that just when you think that they can’t get any more bizarre, they do something so bizarre that it boggles your mind!  I mean, it just doesn’t matter how insanely stupid their last lunacy was – somebody in that movement will figure out a way to go even crazier.  I keep seeing the little squirrel yelling. “It’s not a competition! We’re all crazy!”  Out there on the left – and it isn’t even very far left anymore – it really does seem to be a competition to see who can come up with the craziest position, idea, or thing to be offended by.  Really hard to believe – it seems like when I feel asleep people tried very hard not to appear overtly stupid or crazy in public, and now they freaking parade their stupidity and insanity proudly in public!

Poor Rip Van Winkle!  When he drank the magic moonshine people would go to great lengths to keep their perversions and rampant insanities secret.  He wakes up in a world where perversions and grotesque examples of insanity parade publicly, and where politics and popular culture celebrate and reward it.  When he fell asleep that afternoon in the Catskills, no middle – aged man would ever parade around wearing a baby doll dress, pretending to be a woman.  He wakes up in a world where one has been elevated to be the assistant Secretary of the US Department of Health, and advocates in a Senate hearing for allowing 5-year-old children to choose their own gender!

Poor Rip Van Winkle!  When he fell asleep, his country had struggled mightily to give girls and women full access to all aspects of economic and social life.  In those long-ago days before his stupor, public schools and colleges had been encouraged – some even said that they were forced – to develop all girls teams in almost all sports to give young women full access to athletic self – expression.  In the bizarre world that he finds on awakening, the federal government has “decreed” that males “who identify as women” can compete in women’s sports.

Poor Rip Van Winkle!  He is baffled to learn that the great children’s books written by Dr. Seuss have been banned RVP thinks of the generations of children who learned good life lessons from odd looking, rhyming characters.  Rip is lost, adrift in a world that seems to be careening at breakneck speed toward a collision of catastrophic proportions.  He thinks that if there were some sort of stated goals or sense of direction and purpose, he might not feel as lost.  He remembers that there seemed to be purpose and direction in the world he knew – expanding opportunities in our society – but, all that he sees here is a society careening out of control, running Pell Mell into ever more societal disarray.

Poor Rip Van Winkle!  As if the assault on Dr Seuss was not enough, the baffled time traveler stumbled across a headline in today’s news stating that the old cartoon character Pepe Le Pew, the incurably romantic French skunk “perpetuated rape culture.”  Poor old Rip!  Nothing, it seems is sacred from the attacks of the totally deranged “progressive” assault on normal American society. Rip remembers watching the old cartoons and thinking that he didn’t want to be like Pepe.  He didn’t want to smell bad and chase the girls away.  He also remembers that by the time he knew what rape was, he had forgotten all about Pepe le Pew.

Poor Rip Van Winkle!  He is wishing that there could be some reason returned to the world that is careening rapidly into chaos..

Monday, February 22, 2021

The Folks Who Make ItHappen

We have a tendency, as a society, to overlook the “little guy”, the laborer, the stock clerk, the janitor.  It’s easy to think that the pro-athlete, the celebrity, the elected official, or the rich guy somehow has more value than the logger, the hard rock miner, or the truck driver.  We fawn all over any pronouncement that the movie star utters, but won’t ask the garbage man for his opinion.  Bill Gates, of Microsoft fame, says incredibly stupid things, and they are repeated as Gospel across the news and social media.  Just because he is the richest man in America doesn’t make Mr. Gates an expert on the China flu, vaccines, or world population.  We assign celebrities unmerited expertise at our own peril.

We’ve heard so much about those “essential” workers during this China flu fiasco.  We paid lip service to those laborers whose labor was necessary for our people to have food, clothing, and shelter throughout it all.  I say lip service because none of these folks got pay raises, none of them were first in line to get “help” from the government, and nobody offered the stock clerks or the hard rock miners first refusal on the vaccine.  And as the economy tries to shake off the asinine government restrictions, our appreciation for those essential workers seems to be diminishing, as once again, they fade into the background of our community life.

Sometimes, we can get so wrapped up in this “class” identity stuff that we forget who we are and from whence we came. It is easy to come into a rural area like our Redbank Valley, late in the first quarter of the 21st century and take for granted the roads, railroads, schools, churches, the neat and ordered villages, boroughs, and cities and forget that it wasn’t always this way.  Go 3 or 4 miles back off the hard roads and remind yourself of who we are and from whence we came.

Go back in the wilds where the 2nd and 3rd growth hardwood forests are reclaiming the land one more time.  Go back off the hard roads to where the hills tumble down from the sky to the shadowed, bounding brooks; to where Time has no meaning, except in the changing of the seasons.  Get back to where the rocks and the slopes guard the potential riches of the land, to where all that you can hear is the wind in the trees and the high, far away, scream of a hawk.  Go back off the hard roads and remind yourselves what our ancestors found when they first came into this land – a rich land that would only yield its riches to men who were harder than the land itself.

When our people first came into this country, they had to wrest their very existence from the steep, wooded, rocky land. They didn’t negotiate, litigate or debate with the land.  They cut the trees, they hammered the rocks, they pushed off the hillsides to plant gardens and crops.  They delved into the hills to dig the coal, the sand and the clay.  They dammed the rivers so they could float their wares to market.  They leveled the land for roads and railroads. There was nothing here – they built it all from nothing, wresting all that we have today from a hard, unyielding land.

Song writer Arlo Guthrie came close to describing the working folks in the Redbank Valley in his song “City of New Orleans” – “And the sons of pullman porters, And the sons of engineers, Ride their father's magic carpets made of steel”.  We may be more the grandsons and great grandsons of the loggers, the miners, the farmers, and the rivermen, but our people built this land and we should not let them be forgotten.

We should not forget the laborers, the working men and women, the waitresses, the truckdrivers, the loggers, the miners, nor any of the people who keep the lights on, keep the roads repaired, stock the shelves, and do all of the other little things that ensure our modern way of life.  Rush Limbaugh called these folks, “the people who make America work” and theses are the important people in our society.  These are the people, “the sons of pullman porters and the sons of engineers” who carry on the strength and vision of the settler people who conquered the wilderness.  If I found myself on the edge of nowhere and had to survive on the land, I know the folks that I would want to have with me.

Thank a worker today.  They earn our respect ever day.